August Hatch-A-Long!

Sorry ChickenFox - I was "operating" on my 3 remaining troubled chicks. I have 2 now fully absorbed and mostly flopped out of their shell - the third is still too veiny. Sadly my little gasper passed :( I figured it was a matter of time.

Keeping in mind I am only on my 2nd hatch, but seem to have a bagillion assists under my belt.... I would say you've gotten the same advice I would give which is just based on the Assisted hatching article :) I don't have the bacitracin here, but I happen to have coconut oil which is naturally antibacterial and I think much easier to paint on with a q-tip and it keeps the membrane translucent and pliable with one treatment.
From my 14 Welsummer shipped eggs, here are my 3 survivors.


I also just candled batch 3 which was 14 shipped Barred Rock eggs. They are day 7 and I have 3 with clear eyes, 4 that may be blood rings and the rest were all obvious clears or blood rings. So far its looking like 3 out of 14 shipped eggs might be good :/
Sorry ChickenFox - I was "operating" on my 3 remaining troubled chicks. I have 2 now fully absorbed and mostly flopped out of their shell - the third is still too veiny. Sadly my little gasper passed
I figured it was a matter of time.

Keeping in mind I am only on my 2nd hatch, but seem to have a bagillion assists under my belt.... I would say you've gotten the same advice I would give which is just based on the Assisted hatching article
I don't have the bacitracin here, but I happen to have coconut oil which is naturally antibacterial and I think much easier to paint on with a q-tip and it keeps the membrane translucent and pliable with one treatment.
I'm sorry about your little one. :( Hopefully the others will be ok....Pip is still the same but she has a roommate now.


This little one decided to come out while I was in the shower. lol Hubby barged in yelling "we have a chick! The other egg hatched! We have a chick!" I think he was as excited as I was. Adorable little thing. Belly seems a little swollen but not bad. He's crashing and climbing over everything in the bator.
From my 14 Welsummer shipped eggs, here are my 3 survivors.


I also just candled batch 3 which was 14 shipped Barred Rock eggs. They are day 7 and I have 3 with clear eyes, 4 that may be blood rings and the rest were all obvious clears or blood rings. So far its looking like 3 out of 14 shipped eggs might be good :/

I think I may be done with shipped eggs or babies...this is all too stressful for me. I hope my silkie eggs at least get a few because I have my doubts the shipped babies are going to survive.
One has what looks like a giant bag of entrails out side her body and the other looks to have hers coming out her navel
Afraid to see what I find when #3 is ready.

Take a deep breath. First of all the darker one on the left looks perfectly normal. That will slowly dry and detach. The other still has yolk to absorb. Wrap its bottom in a clean cloth/paper towel place it upright in one of those egg holders. You need to get it in a position to where it cannot move or get out of the holder. It will close up the area around the un absorbed sac. You might have to keep it separated from the others till it is completely closed and healed as they will try and peck at it. All is not lost. I have seen babies with yolk sacs bigger, and survived and were fine. The one on the right, since it wont get all the yolk will need to eat and drink sooner than the others.

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