August Hatch-A-Long

Its not that big of a deal if the eggs weights vary a little, but they shouldn't be all over the place. If they are, then it may be time to make some modifications to your incubator or get a new one. Eggs that are way off would probably mean something very wonky is going on in there! Or, as stated previously, you may have some porous eggs, and there really isn't much you can do about those other than :fl and hope they'll be okay.
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Its not that big of a deal if the eggs weights vary a little, but they shouldn't be all over the place. If they are, then it may be time to make some modifications to your incubator or get a new one. Eggs that are way off would probably mean something very wonky is going on in there! Or, as stated previously, you may have some porous eggs, and there really isn't much you can do about those other than
and hope they'll be okay.
I gotcha :) Well maybe by the next few hatches I will get this down and do better! Right now I have to save money for some more coop/runs!! lol I need like 3 more!
Of course I could have 5 more and fill them all!!! If I only had money!! LOL Thank you!
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I know what you mean! I have 3 pretty good sized coops, which are full of birds. Then I have a large double sided hutch that I use for brooding hens and growing out chicks, both sides are occupied. And I have 2 other large hutches I use strictly as brooders, both filled to capacity with my incubator chicks. I told my husband I thought I needed more space, I said "maybe we could turn a couple of stalls in the barn into little coops"! He didn't seem to like the idea of my chickens, guineas or turkeys near his tools, tractors, ect. We settled on him putting in a small pond and building me a duck house :gig
Our chick Lucky, the only one who made it. She is 5 days old now :) She looks just like an SS chick except she is more red. She is a Speckled Sussex/ Red Sexlink.

She will have a few Silkie friends in a week :)

Awwww.....Lucky is adorable
And I see Lucky has a cute little "friend" until the real chickies arrive

Yeah, she would just peep all day long high pitched until we got her the dog. Now she climbs its back and sleeps beside it. I can't wait for the silkies come so she has some real friends. I am hoping that Lucky is a girl :)
Yeah, she would just peep all day long high pitched until we got her the dog. Now she climbs its back and sleeps beside it. I can't wait for the silkies come so she has some real friends. I am hoping that Lucky is a girl :)
LOL...yes those babies do not like to be alone! I had only one baby quail hatch once and place a toy mouse in with her so she wouldn't peep, Fingers crossed she is a girl
Post pics of your baby siklies when they hatch.....they are sooooo Adorable
LOL...yes those babies do not like to be alone! I had only one baby quail hatch once and place a toy mouse in with her so she wouldn't peep, Fingers crossed she is a girl
Post pics of your baby siklies when they hatch.....they are sooooo Adorable

Now he doesn't scream but she will peep happily while eating, drinking, etc. Such a better noise to hear. These will e my first silkies. The guy didn't have the colors separated so it will be interested to see what I get! I will post lots of pictures!! They are in the hatcher now, lockdown starts tomorrow But I have them moved to the hatcher so I can slowly increase th humidity tonight and tomorrow.

Now he doesn't scream but she will peep happily while eating, drinking, etc. Such a better noise to hear. These will e my first silkies. The guy didn't have the colors separated so it will be interested to see what I get! I will post lots of pictures!! They are in the hatcher now, lockdown starts tomorrow But I have them moved to the hatcher so I can slowly increase th humidity tonight and tomorrow.

oooo,,,surprise hatches are fun!!! Good luck

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