August/September 2013 homemade ornament swap

I haven't seen anyone on line in a while. I sure hope everyone is doing ok. Our canning season is done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank goodness!!!!!
Now it's time to work on a few crafts.... a baby blanket and hat for my brand new niece born Tuesday :D and the ornaments for our swap!!!! Happy crafting everyone!
Congrats on your new niece
i accidentally impaled the palm of my hand on a big chunk of broken glass (down to the bone).. so my hand has been out of commission for most of this month....
hopefully next month I can get it working well enough to join in...
OUCH I can think of better ways to get out of doing the dishes, lot less painful
I hope your fingers get back to full speed soon.
Hope you get better soon. I agree with Kat,,,, a lot less painful ways to get out of chores. ;) Seriously, glad there is no permanent damage!
Hope you get better soon. I agree with Kat,,,, a lot less painful ways to get out of chores. ;) Seriously, glad there is no permanent damage!

thanks for the well wishes..
lol.. there's no getting out of doing chores here!.. It's just me and my husband.. and a bunch of critters that need tending too..

but I love having them.. so it's worth every bit of work even if I am doing things one handed...
I understand not getting out of chores. I have two daughters and don't get any help from them either. It's crazy I have to do a lot of the house work myself, but my 21 year old has a job at Subway.... only thing I ask her to do is keep her laundry done and her room clean. My 13 year old well that's a teen ager for you. ;)
Daughters yeah thats a story in its self, my son kept his room perfect and my daughter's room should have been the boys messy messy messy, and house work it would have been easier to pull teeth, my mother said out of 7 kids 5 boys 2 girls she didn't know if she was going to survive the girls
I was the tidy easy one of the two

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