Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Congrats on the bub Sidhe13 one is better than nothing and it sounds like you had a few dramas over the hatch. Looking forward to the pictures

As Fancy said, don't give up just yet.

As I mentioned before, I have no experience with incubators. With the hatches I have had here, the broody makes the decision to leave the eggs and look after her babies. Once, I was a little concerned that one of the broody's was not leaving the nest (2 days) to teach the little ones drinking etc. Just as I was wondering if I should intervene, she left the nest and took the bubs with her.

I eggtopsied the eggs she had left behind, they had not developed.
Congrats on the bub Sidhe13 one is better than nothing and it sounds like you had a few dramas over the hatch. Looking forward to the pictures :pop

As Fancy said, don't give up just yet. 

As I mentioned before, I have no experience with incubators.  With the hatches I have had here, the broody makes the decision to leave the eggs and look after her babies.  Once, I was a little concerned that one of the broody's was not leaving the nest (2 days) to teach the little ones drinking etc.  Just as I was wondering if I should intervene, she left the nest and took the bubs with her.

I eggtopsied the eggs she had left behind, they had not developed.

If the eggs are all set at the same time , realistically they should hatch within 48 hrs of each other. Taking into consideration that some eggs develop slower and the outer eggs are always a little cooler. I keep the brooder or ICU at the ready . I have 3 chicks in there now waiting for mum to hatch the others. Quite often mum will leave stragglers as she knows that the others need food and water 24-48 hrs after hatch. Just natures way.
My one bub wasn't fluffing so i have popped her in the pre warmed brooder. It has a thermostat that goes up to 34...hopefully that is high enough. She is snuggled in under a soft cloth with the cat watching over her.
Hi everyone just letting you know that I am reading the posts and will contribute when I have something to add.

A friend came over to check my chooks yesterday and reckons another 3 to 4 weeks before laying so obviously they were NOT point of lay when we bought them ... oh well not MUCH longer to wait now I guess.

So yes, still waiting for egg number one to arrive but will keep up to date here with reading just won't post much. Gotta run, early start at work today. Ciao
Day 20: Woo hoo! Some time during the night at least two little bubs have hatched! It is only early 06:20am and I do not want to mess with Cilla too much at this stage, but I saw flashes of a pale yellow and another darker colour and peeping.

I will check back later when things have warmed up a little and Cilla has had a chance to settle.
@Teila Yaaaaaaaaay!! Can't wait till my chooks go broody....there is nothing quite like it! That looong wait for them to move their bums so you can catch a glimpse!

Bub survived the night, has made a mess on the paper towel, and is getting much fluffier. He is in a different room with the door closed, but I could still hear him peeping in the night through the double-brick wall! Safe to say I am a nervous mum!
@Teila Yaaaaaaaaay!! Can't wait till my chooks go broody....there is nothing quite like it! That looong wait for them to move their bums so you can catch a glimpse!

Bub survived the night, has made a mess on the paper towel, and is getting much fluffier. He is in a different room with the door closed, but I could still hear him peeping in the night through the double-brick wall! Safe to say I am a nervous mum!

It could be cheeping cos it's lonely but if it's too hot or too cold it will cry continuously .
I always start them drinking by dipping my finger in the water and placing a drip on the beak. Same with crumble, wet finger and then dip in feed, doesn't take them long to catch on. Momma would normally teach them to eat and drink .


Hi, I hope everyone us well.

Has anyone lost a hen that looks like a rosecomb Barnevelder in Boondall, north Brisbane, Qld area? I found one on the road yesterday afternoon - she laid an egg this morning to thank me for saving her.

Someone must be missing her.

Howdy MyHaven

Sounds like that is one chicken who should not have crossed the road [sorry, couldn't help myself] but she is very lucky that you saved her; kudos to you.

Was she just walking down the road? I live in Boondall and in my travels, I have only noticed one other person with chickens and they live on Roghan Road; was she anywhere near there?

Maybe get in touch with the Boondall Vet and let them know you have her, just in case someone may ask there?

I hope you find her family
I reckon he is lonely...the temp is steady on a thermostat at 34deg. I plan to go and see him whenever I hear him during the day. He has the soft cloth to snuggle under and one of the kids wee soft toys might be suitable for a snuggle.

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