Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Tee hee appps, yep, it would be good if it was that easy with chickens. I hope your little guy does OK.

Fancy I too hope that the fires are under control sooner rather than later.

TheGonzo I agree that you only need to flag one post from the poster to bring the spam to the attention of the Admins.

Hey there potato chip sometimes ignorance is bliss

I always had great awe for teachers because I knew I would not have the patience to deal with school children and the last 3 days have proved that I was right.

I am this close to drafting that Gumtree Ad:

Free to any home .. in fact, if I have to, I will pay you to take them. Two whingy, whiney, spoiled, bickering, broody, feathered princesses. No returns.

So, after 3 days in the crate Blondie is still broody but I think she is not breaking because KiKi is still broody.

Free range is just a solid 3-4 hours of constant bickering and breaking up of squabbles and 45 mins were spent this morning, before coffee, trying to organise some sort of set up to keep both of them away from the nest. My feet are covered in tiny little puncture wounds, compliments of Blondie.

I have Blondie in the hospital cage which is kinda not fair because it is not very big and KiKi is in the broody crate. As I mentioned, last time I tried that with KiKi she chucked a hissy fit but this time, while still not happy, she is at least not throwing herself against the bars.

I was so very tempted to put them both in there together
How come such beautiful, friendly, sweet little girls can turn into such a pain in the proverbial? I know it is hormones etc and they can not help it but these two are over the top!
Tee hee appps, yep, it would be good if it was that easy with chickens.  I hope your little guy does OK.

Fancy I too hope that the fires are under control sooner rather than later.

TheGonzo I agree that you only need to flag one post from the poster to bring the spam to the attention of the Admins.

Hey there potato chip sometimes ignorance is bliss ;)


I always had great awe for teachers because I knew I would not have the patience to deal with school children and the last 3 days have proved that I was right.

I am this close to drafting that Gumtree Ad:

[COLOR=0000FF]Free to any home .. in fact, if I have to, I will pay you to take them. Two whingy, whiney, spoiled, bickering, broody, feathered princesses.  No returns.[/COLOR]

So, after 3 days in the crate Blondie is still broody but I think she is not breaking because KiKi is still broody.

Free range is just a solid 3-4 hours of constant bickering and breaking up of squabbles and 45 mins were spent this morning, before coffee, trying to organise some sort of set up to keep both of them away from the nest.  My feet are covered in tiny little puncture wounds, compliments of Blondie.

I have Blondie in the hospital cage which is kinda not fair because it is not very big and KiKi is in the broody crate.  As I mentioned, last time I tried that with KiKi she chucked a hissy fit but this time, while still not happy, she is at least not throwing herself against the bars.

I was so very tempted to put them both in there together :rolleyes:    How come such beautiful, friendly, sweet little girls can turn into such a pain in the proverbial?  I know it is hormones etc and they can not help it but these two are over the top!

Oh no sounds like you sure are having a time of it with these two. I have broody ducks at the moment that are being similar. Jump on top of each other and rip out large chunks of feathers i usually up them with the hose and that seems to calm them for a bit.
Is there vet treatment when they go "crazy" like that? An injection or something? (obviously, it'd be too expensive taking chickens to the vet all the time, but I'm curious)

Funny you should mention that .. I think it was Anniebee that suggested some sort of medication or herb etc that might help to calm them last time they were broody and I meant to look into it and then, as they were broken, forgot .. I will have to research that.
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Funny you should mention that .. I think it was Anniebee that suggested some sort of medication or herb etc that might help to calm them last time they were broody and I meant to look into it and then, as they were broken, forgot .. I will have to research that.

Try adding turmeric to the feed, chooks have no heat sensors in their beak and will gobble it up. Turmeric is what Indian people use for hormone problems in woman, it also has many other benefits.
At the risk of sounding like I am constantly whinging about Broody’s or Crows, I just updated my thread dedicated to the neighbourhood Crows and in an interesting turn of events, I have not seen a single Crow since I put up the umbrella for Blondie 3 days ago!

I now have the umbrella between KiKi and Blondie’s crates, just in case the naturally produced shade moves.

May be that addition of something new in the garden has actually deterred them but, having said that, I have not heard them either .. not a caw in days!

I am starting to think that maybe someone is just as peeved as I am and done something they should not have ???

PS. While I probably am whinging about the Crows, not so much my broody’s .. just sharing the comings and goings that are the daily routine at Bambrook Bantams
While I would not go as far as to say I would not change them for the world
, I do still love them to bits
At the risk of sounding like I am constantly whinging about Broody’s or Crows, I just updated my thread dedicated to the neighbourhood Crows and in an interesting turn of events, I have not seen a single Crow since I put up the umbrella for Blondie 3 days ago!

I now have the umbrella between KiKi and Blondie’s crates, just in case the naturally produced shade moves. 

May be that addition of something new in the garden has actually deterred them but, having said that, I have not heard them either .. not a caw in days!

I am starting to think that maybe someone is just as peeved as I am and done something they should not have ??? :confused:

PS.  While I probably am whinging about the Crows, not so much my broody’s .. just sharing the comings and goings that are the daily routine at Bambrook Bantams ;)   While I would not go as far as to say I would not change them for the world ;) , I do still love them to bits :love

:weee Let's hope they stay away :)
Tee hee appps, yep, it would be good if it was that easy with chickens.  I hope your little guy does OK.

Fancy I too hope that the fires are under control sooner rather than later.

TheGonzo I agree that you only need to flag one post from the poster to bring the spam to the attention of the Admins.

Hey there potato chip sometimes ignorance is bliss ;)


I always had great awe for teachers because I knew I would not have the patience to deal with school children and the last 3 days have proved that I was right.

I am this close to drafting that Gumtree Ad:

[COLOR=0000FF]Free to any home .. in fact, if I have to, I will pay you to take them. Two whingy, whiney, spoiled, bickering, broody, feathered princesses.  No returns.[/COLOR]

So, after 3 days in the crate Blondie is still broody but I think she is not breaking because KiKi is still broody.

Free range is just a solid 3-4 hours of constant bickering and breaking up of squabbles and 45 mins were spent this morning, before coffee, trying to organise some sort of set up to keep both of them away from the nest.  My feet are covered in tiny little puncture wounds, compliments of Blondie.

I have Blondie in the hospital cage which is kinda not fair because it is not very big and KiKi is in the broody crate.  As I mentioned, last time I tried that with KiKi she chucked a hissy fit but this time, while still not happy, she is at least not throwing herself against the bars.

I was so very tempted to put them both in there together :rolleyes:    How come such beautiful, friendly, sweet little girls can turn into such a pain in the proverbial?  I know it is hormones etc and they can not help it but these two are over the top!

They would do well at my sisters place. Once they got used to being jumped by 3 or 4 roosters every time they got off the nest they could raise chicks to thier little

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