Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Indeed. I usually onto go to him for my pets' vaccinations. I've ordered the antibiotic ointment cream but it likely won't be here for nearly a week. I'll have to just live with terramycin spray in the meantime. I'm located in Gunning, NSW. I'll put the word out on the local Facebook groups to see if anyone has any triple antibiotic ointment - that might just work.

For now...I go make sleeps...zzzz.
If you can't find, or run out of the antibiotic cream, try some medicinal grade Manuka Honey. Actually most raw honeys would has really magical antibiotic properties...I use it on cuts & grazes on humans!
Poor girl. Sounds like you did a great job though. I wouldn't worry too much about the triple antibiotic, the Terramycin will do the job. Give a real good spray from every angle each time you expose the wound site . Hydrogen peroxide is great for initial treatment but further application now will only inhibit the healing system.
You can give her a little aspirin for pain , although it's not in their nature to exhibit pain, ( it's a predator thing ) that foot must be throbbing.
for your girl. I have an avian vet, he is in fact one of your fellow countrymen , but he charges like a wounded bull.
You did good.

Whew, thank you. She seemed okay today. This morning she just stood around in the house looking quite bored and not really walking or moving around so I just made sure her bandage was very well wrapped (I overdid it on purpose) and put her outside. It being nice and dry, I'd rather she get some interaction rather than standing in a single spot in my house all day. I can't imagine that's going to help her healing process. I know I'd get quite depressed. I'd rather change her bandage more often and have her interacting normally than keep her (pardon the pun) cooped up in my lounge room while I play video games.

I've checked on her several times and the bandage actually barely touches the ground when she walks (I think my way of wrapping pulled it upward and back a little) and it's staying quite clean.

I'm working up a plan in my head for a chicken boot or sock of some sort to keep it protected from the wet and poop while it heals so she can be outside more often.
tandykins congrats on the beautiful bubs! I am sorry to read about your loss though. Your gals sure do sound like they are giving you a crash course in broodies and what can go wrong. Excellent job on the poop catcher!
For your girl.

Thank you! I'm doing my best! She seems good today! The babies are growing FAST! We had one broken egg today (barely cracked) that my husband said looked like it had quit around day 18 or so. He said that when he cracked it open it was starting to rot and looked quite under developed. If we don't have any more chicks hatching in the next 48 hours I'm going to take my hen off of the nest. She's looking paler than I'd like.
If you can't find, or run out of the antibiotic cream, try some medicinal grade Manuka Honey. Actually most raw honeys would has really magical antibiotic properties...I use it on cuts & grazes on humans!
Where would I find medicinal grade honey? I have honey but mine is used for cooking and I stick so many things in that jar I don't trust its cleanliness.
Where would I find medicinal grade honey? I have honey but mine is used for cooking and I stick so many things in that jar I don't trust its cleanliness.
You're looking for Active Manuka Honey. You can do a google search, but I notice Chemist's Warehouse have a blurb about it on their website so if you have one of those nearby, they may have it or order it in.
You're looking for Active Manuka Honey. You can do a google search, but I notice Chemist's Warehouse have a blurb about it on their website so if you have one of those nearby, they may have it or order it in. 

I use manuka honey and it has it's place in wound care , but for post surgery I would definately use the antibiotic spray.
This is the product that we use on fence injuries with horses.

Because this is an Aussie thread, I thought somebody could answer my question. I live out in the country and I was wondering if it is safe to have chicks in summer. It gets really hot and plus we have had multiple brown snakes hanging around the chook shed (they are attracted to the water.) Do you reckon a snake would go for any of the chicks? 

it's over 40c here today and I have young chickens and adults. Its fine to have them most year round.
Phew! That was close!!

I was just coming inside and happened to glance through the laundry window on my way past just in time to catch the kite circling low directly above our yard with the chooks free ranging directly below it! I've seen it over the neighbours yards in the distance but this is the closest to us it's gotten this season. Mad dash to call the chooks into their yard and close off their extended non roofed run under the gum trees as it was trying to land in the gums but a smaller bird kept annoying it till it flew off.

Think they will be confined to the covered run for a while now it knows they are there!
Almost any honey should work at full strength - some vets use sugar solution. The principle is the same as saline - it's antibacterial as it wicks moisture from the wound. Some people use it to great effect surgically in abscesses in rabbits, as rabbits often develop complex multi fingered abscesses that are hard to treat. The nice thing is that it's quite harmless for the birds and you!

I just calculated today that with eggs and day old chickens running to seventeen that I only got four roosters. Ridiculous luck!
God I can't catch a break!! One of my bantams has disappeared. One of my dogs is Houdini reincarnated (aptly named Loki) he got out and tried to round up the bantams who were free ranging in the front yard, I went out side to find the araucana and pekin on the porch but the black one gone. No feathers so I don't think he's killed it but the yard isn't fenced so it could be anywhere! Down to 5 chooks now so looks like I will be getting those new ones after all
Hey everyone,
Long time no post!

I have an incredible thing to share... I have a coturnix quail hen that went broody, sat on some eggs and hatched a chick!
Only one so far, but she is a caring and protective mum....

I know how rare it is, I have a very special quail!

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