Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

How can probiotics be on a shelf? They die if not refrigerated? Even the inner health plus capsules are stored in a special fridge at chemists and this powder I picked up today have to stay in the fridge?

There are quite a few probiotic products on the shelf. They usually have a short shelf life of 4-6 months.
When I feel mine specifically need probiotics I give them yokult. I keep it in the fridge at all times.
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Fancy, yeah, I don't mean jamming it down the throat, just placing it inside the beak. Helpful when the chicken isn't willing to drink. You probably have a lot more experience with this though.
Fancy, yeah, I don't mean jamming it down the throat, just placing it inside the beak. Helpful when the chicken isn't willing to drink. You probably have a lot more experience with this though.

You can't begin to imagine how much fun worming 50+ chickens with a fenbendazole suspension is. I have the technique down pat and there's more often than not, no one around to help.
You can't begin to imagine how much fun worming 50+ chickens with a fenbendazole suspension is. I have the technique down pat and there's more often than not, no one around to help.
unfun! sounds like seriously hard work lol. has to be done though. theres never help around when theres a job to be done. lol. my kids are very helpful. my eldest 6 is an expert chicken catcher! she goes for the legs!!! going to have to teach her a new technique for Devil my new indian game boy though as they have wide hips and picking up by the legs is apparently a big no no! she's just as chicken mad as me ha ha, always trying to feed them...fat chickens...My husband has taken lately to calling me the crazy chicken lady and clucking at me when i'm inattentive...
thinks he's hilarious!
How can probiotics be on a shelf? They die if not refrigerated? Even the inner health plus capsules are stored in a special fridge at chemists and this powder I picked up today have to stay in the fridge?

I keep my chicken probiotic in the fridge. Glad carl is hanging in there appps.
By ' a little at a time ' I mean a drop at a time Felix. I would not put the syringe in the beak as it is far too easy to aspirate a chicken. 1/2-1 ml is enough to aspirate a chicken.
Honey water, sugar water is fine for a short time but Appps already has an adequate product. My recommendation of poly aid plus was from personal experience with an anorexic hen that had no desire to eat. Once she got a taste of it she was sucking out of the syringe.
I have also used with newly hatched chick that have appeared too far gone to save.

Ahhhhh. I took from their site it to mean I was going to have to crop needle feed her and that is honestly beyond me. If it tastes good though and she will eat it like that that's a different thing. I've got to go that way today so will call in and see if they stock it. It sounds a good one to have on hand anyway. I'll keep up the probiotics the vet gave me though, assume they won't OD on too many of those if she is getting a double dose.
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unfun! sounds like seriously hard work lol. has to be done though. theres never help around when theres a job to be done. lol. my kids are very helpful. my eldest 6 is an expert chicken catcher! she goes for the legs!!! going to have to teach her a new technique for Devil my new indian game boy though as they have wide hips and picking up by the legs is apparently a big no no! she's just as chicken mad as me ha ha, always trying to feed them...fat chickens...My husband has taken lately to calling me the crazy chicken lady and clucking at me when i'm inattentive...:barnie  thinks he's hilarious!

I have a neighbour out here who introduces me to people as chicken kym :oops: :lau

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