Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Good morning folks

(Sorry for the long post, started waffling and couldn’t stop

Pennae I may be wrong but I think you may find that others are closer.

Howdy KerryF and welcome to the thread and BYC.
I am sorry to read that your introduction to chickens was not the best; starting off with sick birds is definitely an initiation by fire!

TheChookPatch beautiful pics!
Lols on the “giant chickens” good thought but not sure satay (or any of us) would be able to convince the other half (or, in my case, the neighbours

Deej211 congrats on the green egg

Dusty laid another pointy offering so in 4 days, I have got 2 eggs .. OK, not exactly a production line, but it is a start

Woo hoo Sidhe13 as I said, your little one is a definitely a fighter, that is good news

Tee hee, satay doesn’t look like Sam was in Queensland, no blue sky here!

As always Fancy beautiful pics .. you live in picture paradise!
I hope the walk goes well and kudos to you for helping out; mind you, I don’t believe being surrounded by beautiful pooches will be hard work

Yesterday, from the kitchen window, I spotted a Paper Wasp nest in our hedge. Having been stung in the past by approximately 8 Paper Wasps at the same time, on the arm, I am not particularly fond of them.

It stung like all **** and took months to ‘heal’. I could not even lightly touch that area without it flaring up again.

I did not want to be mowing the lawn under the hedge and risk another attack.

Anyways, I walked past hubby’s office window (which hubby faces and can see me) with a can of insect spray, got close enough to douse the nest and then run but the spray had been sitting under the gazebo on the shelf and for some reason, was not working, no matter how hard I shook it .. me standing there frantically shaking a can of insect spray and attracting the attention of said wasps was not actually my Plan A.

So back past hubby’s office window I go to dispose of useless can and grab another … back past window again with new can .. same result! Mental note to self: after one defective can, should probably have checked second one before arriving at nest!

Back past window again with second defective can and back past window again with working can of insect spray from inside which was tested. Sprayed nest and ran past window.

Another trip with a plastic bag and long shears, placed bag on ground, cut off deserted nest which dropped into bag and then back past window again with plastic bag hanging off the end of the shears at arms length.

At some stage during this whole fiasco I was expecting to hear a “whatya doing?”; “are you OK?”; “do you need a hand” or even a “whatya ya killing now” but nope, got zip, zilch, zero and naught!

My Hero

Speaking of heroes, Cilla gets the Chicken of the Day Award at Bambrook Bantams today.

This morning she ‘raised the alarm’ and I raced out to see which of the neighbours cats was stalking them and found a stork-like bird on the fence, eyeing off the goldfish. I chased him off.

10mins later, Cilla ‘raised the alarm’ again and back out I went to find the same goldfish predator, back on the fence, sussing them out. Chased him off yet again.

5mins after that, she lets me know, once again, that he is back and this time he was on the lawn, next to the fish ponds obviously picking out which fish looked the most appetizing.

I chased him off and he has not yet reappeared … thanks to Cilla, I did not lose any of my three humungous gold fish in the middle pond or four in the bottom pond. 5 of the 7 fish I have had for 5 years now and I am very fond of them.

Good girl Cilla!

So, the rain coats are back on the runs and by the looks of the forecast, might be staying for the rest of the week. Using the deep litter run method, wet runs is not ideal.

The good news is that while we have rain, I do not believe it is expected to be torrential, just showers now and then so hopefully no flooding this time around.

Cilla and the bubs spent a good two hours exploring the garden yesterday and as predicted, much to the aunties disgust which they had no qualms announcing! I had one eye on the bubs and the other on the driveway, half expecting an RSPCA van to pull up .. with all the complaining going on, I felt sure someone would have reported me for torturing my chickens.

The first 30mins or so the bubs were freaking out at everything .. wind, wild birds etc but it didn’t take them long to learn that fun was to be had. It was good to see that when spooked they legged it back to the coop, granted Cilla was looking at them as if to say “what is your problem?” and encouraged them back out again.

A couple more weekends of the above and they should all be able to free range together. A couple of weeks of free ranging together, we should be able to open up the segregated coops/runs and be back to one flock

In a perfect world I would be able to leave mumma and chicks in with the main flock but unfortunately, my set up is not ideal for this so I have to go down the integration, patience and persistence path.
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Good morning folks :frow

(Sorry for the long post, started waffling and couldn’t stop ;) )

Pennae I may be wrong but I think you may find that others are closer.

Howdy KerryF and welcome to the thread and BYC.
I am sorry to read that your introduction to chickens was not the best; starting off with sick birds is definitely an initiation by fire!

TheChookPatch beautiful pics!
Lols on the “giant chickens” good thought but not sure satay (or any of us) would be able to convince the other half (or, in my case, the neighbours ;) ).

Deej211 congrats on the green egg  :clap

Dusty laid another pointy offering so in 4 days, I have got 2 eggs .. OK, not exactly a production line, but it is a start ;)

Woo hoo Sidhe13 as I said, your little one is a definitely a fighter, that is good news :)

Tee hee, satay doesn’t look like Sam was in Queensland, no blue sky here!

As always Fancy beautiful pics .. you live in picture paradise!
I hope the walk goes well and kudos to you for helping out; mind you, I don’t believe being surrounded by beautiful pooches will be hard work ;)

Yesterday, from the kitchen window, I spotted a Paper Wasp nest in our hedge.  Having been stung in the past by approximately 8 Paper Wasps at the same time, on the arm, I am not particularly fond of them.

It stung like all **** and took months to ‘heal’.  I could not even lightly touch that area without it flaring up again.

I did not want to be mowing the lawn under the hedge and risk another attack.

Anyways, I walked past hubby’s office window (which hubby faces and can see me) with a can of insect spray, got close enough to douse the nest and then run but the spray had been sitting under the gazebo on the shelf and for some reason, was not working, no matter how hard I shook it .. me standing there frantically shaking a can of insect spray and attracting the attention of said wasps was not actually my Plan A.

So back past hubby’s office window I go to dispose of useless can and grab another … back past window again with new can .. same result!  Mental note to self: after one defective can, should probably have checked second one before arriving at nest!

Back past window again with second defective can and back past window again with working can of insect spray from inside which was tested.  Sprayed nest and ran past window.

Another trip with a plastic bag and long shears, placed bag on ground, cut off deserted nest which dropped into bag and then back past window again with plastic bag hanging off the end of the shears at arms length.

At some stage during this whole fiasco I was expecting to hear a “whatya doing?”; “are you OK?”; “do you need a hand” or even a “whatya ya killing now” but nope, got zip, zilch, zero and naught!

My Hero :bow

Speaking of heroes, Cilla gets the Chicken of the Day Award at Bambrook Bantams today.

This morning she ‘raised the alarm’ and I raced out to see which of the neighbours cats was stalking them and found a stork-like bird on the fence, eyeing off the goldfish.  I chased him off.

10mins later, Cilla ‘raised the alarm’ again and back out I went to find the same goldfish predator, back on the fence, sussing them out.  Chased him off yet again.

5mins after that, she lets me know, once again, that he is back and this time he was on the lawn, next to the fish ponds obviously picking out which fish looked the most appetizing. 

I chased him off and he has not yet reappeared … thanks to Cilla, I did not lose any of my three humungous gold fish in the middle pond or four in the bottom pond.  5 of the 7 fish I have had for 5 years now and I am very fond of them.

Good girl Cilla!

So, the rain coats are back on the runs and by the looks of the forecast, might be staying for the rest of the week.  Using the deep litter run method, wet runs is not ideal.

The good news is that while we have rain, I do not believe it is expected to be torrential, just showers now and then so hopefully no flooding this time around.

Cilla and the bubs spent a good two hours exploring the garden yesterday and as predicted, much to the aunties disgust which they had no qualms announcing!  I had one eye on the bubs and the other on the driveway, half expecting an RSPCA van to pull up .. with all the complaining going on, I felt sure someone would have reported me for torturing my chickens.

The first 30mins or so the bubs were freaking out at everything .. wind, wild birds etc but it didn’t take them long to learn that fun was to be had.  It was good to see that when spooked they legged it back to the coop, granted Cilla was looking at them as if to say “what is your problem?” and encouraged them back out again.

A couple more weekends of the above and they should all be able to free range together.  A couple of weeks of free ranging together, we should be able to open up the segregated coops/runs and be back to one flock :fl

In a perfect world I would be able to leave mumma and chicks in with the main flock but unfortunately, my set up is not ideal for this so I have to go down the integration, patience and persistence path.

Too funny and well done Cilla
Have some photos showing rooster dignity:

He sat in there while she pushed him for a while.

I'm reasonably sure most children use puppies for the whole 'pretending I have a baby' thing!

In other news, I have to look into a no-crow collar - we live in a rural area, but the neighbour is annoyed by the crowing and wants it to stop. Not sure if it'll work, but it might help. When we get the coop finished, it will be insulated, which will help a lot with sound proofing!
Welcome to all new members!!

@Fancychooklady you can keep those bitterly cold mornings. Yikes! I do have to admit though, it does make way for some stunning pics
Your photos are beautiful.

@Sidhe13 I'm glad to hear your little chick is fighting the good fight.

Beautiful girls @IamSamSam . My blue wheaten marans and barred rock should start laying after the cold season - they are growing in their combs and wattles at a crazy rate.

Well I had a busy weekend - Saturday was Yahtzee's first ever show and boy did he kick it off in style winning baby puppy of breed then following that up with runner up baby puppy in group, just getting beaten by a french bulldog. I'm so proud of him.
Not to be outdone, his half sister Lyric who I also show occasionally was awarded her first best of breed as well! So a great day all round.

And I welcomed a new addition to the flock, a cute little black silkie bantam hen I've named Whoopi.
Have some photos showing rooster dignity:

He sat in there while she pushed him for a while.

I'm reasonably sure most children use puppies for the whole 'pretending I have a baby' thing!

In other news, I have to look into a no-crow collar - we live in a rural area, but the neighbour is annoyed by the crowing and wants it to stop. Not sure if it'll work, but it might help. When we get the coop finished, it will be insulated, which will help a lot with sound proofing!

I have a collar on Casanova - it does help, his volume is only about half of what it would normally be.
Have some photos showing rooster dignity: He sat in there while she pushed him for a while. I'm reasonably sure most children use puppies for the whole 'pretending I have a baby' thing! In other news, I have to look into a no-crow collar - we live in a rural area, but the neighbour is annoyed by the crowing and wants it to stop. Not sure if it'll work, but it might help. When we get the coop finished, it will be insulated, which will help a lot with sound proofing!
Does your neighbour have a dog if the dog barks tell em you want it to stop
rural area should not be a problem having a roo. I have two Roos as well one is only 5 weeks old and thinks I'm his Ma then there's Lloyd who acts real tough but walks around all dolled up by the kids lol

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