Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hi fellow aussies :)

Have a question I'm hoping someone can help me with.
Does anyone know where I can get either Fish-zole or Flagyl? Everywhere I look they either don't have or need a prescription.
I have a hen with canker and don't want to go to the vets and pay a consult fee when I already know what's wrong.
Hi Vicky. Welcome to the Aussie thread

Sorry I have never heard of Flagyl nor canker. I could imagine @Fancychooklady would be able to help you though
That's alright cluckcluckluke.

I may have to order it off ebay, was just hoping I could get it sooner rather than later that's all.

Are those marans eggs?
Hi Vicky. Welcome to the Aussie thread:)

Sorry I have never heard of Flagyl nor canker. I could imagine @Fancychooklady
would be able to help you though:)

You can only get fish zole online nowadays. Metronidazole / flagyl is available from chemist warehouse on line. You do need to talk to the chemist though. You would need to tell them that you needed it for some ghastly STD like gonorhea . :rolleyes:

The only other way , with out a script , is if you know of anyone , family or friends that might have some in their medicine cabinet. People with colitis and chrones disease or other bowel related problems may have them.
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Ok, so I am officially scratching my head and I have no idea what is going on! :confused:

Dusty came back from a moult-break to laying.  She laid 19 eggs between 13[SUP]th[/SUP] May and 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] July and has now not laid for 8 days.

Her comb has good colour, she looks healthy, poops normal, nice green sheen on her black feathers etc.  Dusty is a 2 year and 5 month old Bantam Langshan.  Dusty has never been broody.

Dusty is the one who woke me up with crowing on Wednesday morning.

Well, Dusty is now ‘standing guard’; she is ‘watching’ while everyone else is scratching and having fun in the garden AND she is picking up bits of grass, bugs etc and calling over the others and feeding them!  We gave them all meal worms and Dusty took hers and called over KiKi and gave it to her! Dusty NEVER shares food; especially not meal worms!

She is also ‘rumbling’ a lot; if that makes sense…pacing around, rumbling at things, growling under her breath.

Her behaviour is kind of typical broody except that she is not being grumpy with the rest of the flock, more protective and feeding them; we are talking about 4month to 2.5 year old chickens. As I mentioned before, she has never been broody and has never hatched eggs.

Blondie is definitely going to lay her first egg back from a break very shortly and is wandering around the garden telling everyone about it; she is making frequent trips to the nest box and has been chowing into the shell grit.  I think she is going to lay today.

Anyways, Dusty is following her around, if Blondie goes into the coop, Dusty follows and stands there, rumbling, no aggression towards Blondie, basically just that.  If Blondie leaves the nest box, Dusty follows.

I have never had a rooster so do not know what typical rooster behaviour is; but I am wondering if she is in fact, turning into a Henster?

Dusty is behaving exactly like my boss rooster- I guess she decided that the flock is big enough to need a man around and has stepped up into the job.
You can only get fish zole online nowadays. Metronidazole / flagyl is available from chemist warehouse on line. You do need to talk to the chemist though. You would need to tell them that you needed it for some ghastly STD like gonorhea . :rolleyes:

The only other way , with out a script , is if you know of anyone , family or friends that might have some in their medicine cabinet. People with colitis and chrones disease or other bowel related problems may have them.

Um... I'd prefer not to say to someone I have an STD but I will if I have no other choice lol.
I'll have a look online and see if I can get lucky ordering from overseas before I have to do that tho.
Ugh got another thin shelled egg. It was thin like paper and this one was broken in the nest. I wish I knew for sure who it was but think my money is still on Carl.

I bought a liquid calcium and d3 supplement for cage birds and have been giving her that to try and get her levels up. Any idea how long it would take for a deficient bird to get back to normal on supplements? Feel like we have a ticking time bomb at the moment.

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