Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.


15 chicks in brooder for me.
Please indulge me while I share some pics

My little girls turn 19 weeks tomorrow and for 'mutts' I think they turned out quite pretty.


KiKi .. I love the 'flame' look around her neck:

With mumma, Cilla:


And threw one in of Auntie Blondie having a siesta in the shade:

Absolutely beautiful girls and so relaxed looking. I'm sure that they are giving you nice eggs.
Morning friends

Sjturner79 Congrats on the hatch and the three egg day

I wonder if it was KC’s first egg also. While KiKi’s and Crystal's combs have grown considerably and are getting a good degree of colour, there has been no nest box checking out etc; so they may be a while off yet.

KC and Dorian are beautiful! I like Sebastian also; very handsome.

K Spot good to hear that Miss Marans is recovering

Fancy I hope the training goes well and you have a nice relaxing weekend in front of the fire.

Satay I hope your big smoke trip was a successful one.

ChristieB I am pleased to read that your little princess is home now and I love that smile!

While I realised you were talking about your daughter [not a chicken] when you mentioned broken leg, I did not realise she was so young.

How did she break it?

I understand how you would have felt during the abuse questioning but agree with you that it is best that they do that for the sake of those little ones who are abused. I remember when my son was a little tyke his shins would be covered in bruises of varying colours and age and I regularly expected to be asked to explain. No abuse, just one clumsy little toddler

Deej211 so pleased to read that your little Polish girl is back
Beautiful pics!

Anniebee As I sometimes have pages to catch up on, I find having a Word document open and typing as I scroll through the thread, copy and paste, so much easier than trying to multi-quote etc.

Tee hee; the techno chicken dance gave me a chuckle .. thank you.
Did I hear “Tasty’ in the soundtrack? Who would eat a dancing chicken?

Thank you Manyana

I had a bit of a scare this morning which had me reaching for the Google Search .. someone, I believe Dusty, deposited poop with pink urates overnight. No liquid blood, just these pink urates which we have never had before.

Google seems to indicate that coral urates are normal and can happen overnight but I will be keeping a very close eye on them all. They did have some tomato yesterday which may have been the cause but of course there is always those underlying scary things like pancreatic disease, maldigestion or malabsorption .. but as the general consensus is that it is normal; besides moulting, Dusty appears happy and healthy and the poop was solid and normal in all aspects besides the pink urate, I will not hit the panic button [yet
So, I thought I would share a picture of the pink urate not only for future reference but also to see if others have seen this and if I should be concerned. Photographed with a normal poop for comparison.

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My roo has been worse since we took away the other one. He gives me a challenge every morning. Today when I lunged for him Gertrude ( a rescued Isa brown) heard the commotion and came running to beat him up! Nothing stops this chook! He bolted!
my gorgeous Australorp Shiela has just noticed its a rooster. She goes severely broody every summer and is following either me or him around in a glowing daze. I'll post some pics soon, I cant do pics from my phone
Hi all! Was wondering if anyone knows of any production strain Rouen ducks available in Australia? All i can find are the heavy show birds  but i was hoping for better layers than the show lines can offer.
Morning friends :frow

Sjturner79 Congrats on the hatch and the three egg day :clap

I wonder if it was KC’s first egg also.  While KiKi’s and Crystal's combs have grown considerably and are getting a good degree of colour, there has been no nest box checking out etc; so they may be a while off yet.

KC and Dorian are beautiful!  I like Sebastian also; very handsome.

K Spot good to hear that Miss Marans is recovering :)

Fancy I hope the training goes well and you have a nice relaxing weekend in front of the fire.

Satay I hope your big smoke trip was a successful one.

ChristieB I am pleased to read that your little princess is home now and I love that smile!

While I realised you were talking about your daughter [not a chicken] when you mentioned broken leg, I did not realise she was so young.

How did she break it?

I understand how you would have felt during the abuse questioning but agree with you that it is best that they do that for the sake of those little ones who are abused.  I remember when my son was a little tyke his shins would be covered in bruises of varying colours and age and I regularly expected to be asked to explain.  No abuse, just one clumsy little toddler ;)

Deej211 so pleased to read that your little Polish girl is back :celebrate   Beautiful pics!

Anniebee As I sometimes have pages to catch up on, I find having a Word document open and typing as I scroll through the thread, copy and paste, so much easier than trying to multi-quote etc.

Tee hee; the techno chicken dance gave me a chuckle .. thank you.
Did I hear “Tasty’ in the soundtrack? Who would eat a dancing chicken? ;)

Thank you Manyana

I had a bit of a scare this morning which had me reaching for the Google Search .. someone, I believe Dusty, deposited poop with pink urates overnight.  No liquid blood, just these pink urates which we have never had before.

Google seems to indicate that coral urates are normal and can happen overnight but I will be keeping a very close eye on them all.   They did have some tomato yesterday which may have been the cause but of course there is always those underlying scary things like pancreatic disease, maldigestion or malabsorption .. but as the general consensus is that it is normal; besides moulting, Dusty appears happy and healthy and the poop was solid and normal in all aspects besides the pink urate, I will not hit the panic button [yet ;) ]

I believe I should not be released back into the city surrounds anytime soon :lol: Now the brissy girls may understand this. I started from here went to upper mt Gravatt to the pc parts place for J. Then decided we would go for a look around in garden city. Had to drop son at the Wesley (where my brother was at work) as he was staying with my brother for a few days. Left the Wesley and head towards home. I see Toowong village might stop there for a look, then I go past indroopilly , haven't been there in agers either might stop there.:oops: Finally get out of there and head to wards Ipswich as I still need to grocery shop. Head into riverlink and finally get the groceries done. Four shopping centres in one day.. Not to bad an effort I think.:lau
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