Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Thanks again satay ... Yep, for anyone else interested:

"Here we go folks our forecast confidence is now HIGH that a Tropical Low will form into a cyclone in the Gulf of Carpentaria within 3 days! It is then likely to cross the bottom of the Gulf and track South East to impact the North QLD Coast! The monsoon trough will also drag right down the coast to Mackay and with this combination bring very heavy rainfall from Mackay to Mt Isa NORTH with Rainfall totals up to 500mm"
Teila morning, they loved them. It had just rain so they were everywhere. Sad to see that's there's not many in QLD.

satay thank you very much. The girls got a bit warm but they good now. yep fresh and new.
Nice to meet you. I am down here in Vic.
Think I can finally sex some of my Belgian babies now so please meet My 2 millie fleur hens Fancy and Appps

They do have a boyfriend named Ash but he wouldn't come out for a picture.
and also
Anniebee hiding in the house and rodney her man out the front

Pretty sure this one is going to be called Teila (who else could i name the frizzy after ) but i'm not 100% on her sex yet but fingers crossed she is a girl.

and for the last of my photo bombing the grow out marans

Note the Belgians in the small houses are weeding the vege garden.
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Good morning Friends :frow

chicken-clucky yeah, I am sure your gals would have been very pleased with those treats.  When I was growing up in WA, I remember collecting snails from Mum’s garden but haven’t seen many snails in Qld at all.

Anniebee Mindy sure is a funny little chicken ;)

Aaaaw adorable little ones sjturner79.

RodneyRooster thank you … yeah, the girls seem to have settled a bit, two days of extensive free ranging has helped and today they will get some lawn clippings and more free ranging.

Blondie’s comb is still looking a little sore but appears to be healing nicely; luckily no-one is paying it any attention.

Those are some hot temps!  I am pleased to hear that everyone made it through.

Currently we are broody free and Cilla is only on 4 eggs since the last bout with broodiness so we have another 4 or so to go ;)

Yep, I was the book worm for a day .. it was so nice to be able to do that; can’t remember the last time I did.

Howdy SirTerris, nice to meet you and Welcome to the thread.  I am sorry to hear about your rooster but congratulations on the new little ones.

So, Saturday I cleaned the fish pond filter, that was fun, lots of slime; yesterday I cleaned the BBQ, another fun job :rolleyes:  Going out to mow the lawns today and get the garden all pretty; tomorrow, housework; Wednesday, Christmas grocery shopping, Thursday baking and then Friday, enjoying Christmas Day with hubby, son, cats and the gals.

Seen as last years’ Christmas present for the gals was such a hit, doing it again this year .. a vol-au-vent each filled with yoghurt and topped off with live meal worms.

My neighbour flies out for a family Christmas in Mackay on Wednesday and I am cat sitting for him; in return he has told us to feel free to use his pool. Hubby is over the moon about that one.  We used to have one of those large, portable pools in the garden every summer but the tighter pool fencing rules mean that we can not this year and he has not been happy with dancing around under the hose ;)

Chickens are in for a treat! Yum. What a great payment! Pool every day! :-D

If ever you do come to Tassie, you'll need an umbrella , jacket , sunscreen and bathers. Not at all unusual to experience all 4 seasons in one day.
Yesterday was hot, then we had a hail storm hit while all the kids were in the river cooling off.
Then the sun came back out and wind disappeared so we could sit and enjoy our Thai chicken burgers on the BBQ. :drool

haha awesome. Reminds me of my home town Mt Gambier, exactly the same. 4 seasons in 1 day.

Think I can finally sex some of my Belgian babies now so please meet My 2 millie fleur hens Fancy and Appps

They do have a boyfriend named Ash but he wouldn't come out for a picture.
and also
Anniebee hiding in the house and rodney her man out the front

Pretty sure this one is going to be called Teila (who else could i name the frizzy after ) but i'm not 100% on her sex yet but fingers crossed she is a girl.

and for the last of my photo bombing the grow out marans

Note the Belgians in the small houses are weeding the vege garden.

OMG :lau that is so funny and gorgeous and touching all at the same time! I think uve definitely made the right choice in naming ur frizzle after Teila lol. And it will be the only Teila I believe as mine was a roo and was sold last weekend.

They all look beautiful :)

Well earlier when i come out to give them some fruit i was also eating an apple. I was crouching down as i wanted a couple of photos of them bigger to share and Scarlett decided that mine looked tastier lol. She came up and started eating my apple with me :lau clearly i had kept the best one for myself and she wasnt having it



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