Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

@potato chip Ah, not loads of excitement on the composting thread, even though I just managed to get the bin started again. The rabbitry is full of excitement though. We've got 6 six week olds, and 4 2 week olds, along with the 4 grown ups in there at the moment. Super resilient animals, the first load handled -25C at two weeks of age, and the later batch was born in -18C weather. I'm guessing the weather over there is a bit different at the moment? Our's has heated up a bit too though, now it's 2C here.
Thanks again Fancy for the information you provide - it is very much appreciated.  

I feed my girls Barastoc Golden Yolk layer pellets, which I believe is a well balanced and good food.   Never go for the cheap stuff - my birds and animals have cost me a small fortune over the years.  

Will take your advice and back off the horse calcium now.   Can see how the calcium to phospherous ratios would be very important ---- and I am trusting that Barastoc has that covered. Will watch carefully for any continuous soft shells, ( all ok at present ) .... and if that occurs, will no doubt be back here yelling for help ( again ).  

They had another lot of "Mums" special tucker today - rice, grated cheese, rollled raw oats, a handful of wheat bran, finely chopped baby spinach, and a handful of scratch mix.   The little blighters just know when I am preparing it - ( how I don't know - the laundry door is firmly shut ) but they must have superb hearing.   !!   and they get so darned excited.   Then gobble the lot in a very short time, spreading it every which way - but they do clean up after themselves !!   

Hope your lady hen and her one little orphaned chick are still doing well together - along with all your beautiful horses. 

Cheers .......... 

Interesting that you quote barrostock golden yolk and say not the cheap stuff. That is by far the cheapest of all the poultry food available here, although except for the calcium being slightly higher than I need one of the best balanced
I'm guessing the weather over there is a bit different at the moment? Our's has heated up a bit too though, now it's 2C here.
oh, yes, just a little bit different. It's been really humid the last few days. Usually the heat here is dry heat, but it's been awfully muggy and horrible. They are very resilient, they don't handle really high heat well, and yet they managed to take over the whole of Australia.
Yeah, I've understood they've been a bit of a nuisance over there. Ozexpat told the story of his family acquiring a sheep farm, and they had an estimated 2 million bunnies on the property, if I remember correctly.
Anniebee, I know what you mean with the straw. I long ago gave up on raking the old straw into a neat pile, as they took it as an invitation to climb it and then flatten the lot, spreading it everywhere. On the plus side, the soil near the chook pen is getting really nice and composted. Oh and anytime you go to grab the shovel, or anything that remotely resembles a shovel, they follow you and promptly get in the way. Gotta love their enthusiasm.
Speaking of odd not laid right eggs. I got this one yesterday. A normal white shell on the outside and when i cracked it open it had another egg inside as well as this. The second egg was like a hard boiled egg without the shell on the outside and it was like the white of a normal egg (raw) on the inside. Very odd.
Satay, I wonder if the egg manufacturing malfunction is related to the heat. I've had two fart eggs, each over a hot spell. I haven't had the courage to crack them open yet.

appps, your chick is looking very cute & growing into its beak quickly.

Fancy, sorry to hear about your horse, but good news about the rain. I was just reading about the fires & remembering what a pain it is to get washing dry when you can't hang it outside because of the smoke.

We just had our first holiday with chooks and they managed just fine. I had a friend check their water every second day. Our cats were not so happy. Tiger is still traumatised & keeps bringing us presents in the middle of the night & crying to make sure we notice his offering - bits of paper are in favour now that my daughters shoes are too big to comfortably carry around as presents.

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