Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.


These 2 won't be getting starter as I can't afford any at the minute.
Hi guys!!! It's been forever. Over 4000 posts since last time I was here :/ read some about broody doves then skipped to the last page lol

I haven't been coping with single mumming so well hence the extended absence. It's been drama after drama, one of which has been the neighbours making constant complaints to animal control about my dog and finally my chooks. All unfounded, one complaint was that my dog attacked someone walking past when she was out, she like most dogs is aggressive through the fence, barking and running when the mail man comes or kids ride past (only when I'm not in view funnily enough, she won't bark if she can see me) but without the fence between this dog is the most passive submissive dog in existence, she flops on her back when I try to put her lead on! Needless to say I'm not too happy when I have to listen to their little yappers going all day at nothing.

then the last straw I had 2 animal control officers come saying there had been a complaint about the location of the coop. Some back story, after the most of the chicks had gone to new homes and the duccles I was raising had gone back to their owner I discovered I had a lice infestation so moved the girls into the front yard where I'd kept the duccles so I could completely empty the tank stand coop and treat the birds. I was lazy so they stayed in the front yard for ages (at least 6 months) finally I moved them back to the tank stand, one week later the complaint came, definitely no time for any smell and so close to my house I would smell it in an instant if there was. as I said this was the last straw, my depression had been looking for a crack and it hit me like a brick wall, my mum decided to take my kids to live with her for a while and we basically purged my house to try get on top of the clutter that was taking over. After a lot of umming and ahhing it was decided that the majority of my chooks would go to the farm to make it a bit easier on me, I decided to just keep the bantams the 2 pekins and 1 duccle, can't even believe how hard it was to see them go :( it's so quiet now in the mornings.
So that's me! kids still living with my mum but I see them every day/night, maybe another month and they can come home. planning a few minor renovations while they are gone, decided to sell the house as part of the divorce so using my alone time to focus on that.
Also planning a new coop that I can easily pull apart and put back together as I will probably be renting for a while, and we all know how quickly a flock can expand (especially when you have perpetually broody pekins) that's what brought me back here as all roads lead to byc :)

@Fancychooklady thought of your daughter the other day when I saw a young girl died in a jumping accident, hope that it wasn't someone you know!
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Hi Christie, long time no see. Sorry you have been in the wars . I'm glad that your mum has stepped up and is helping you with the kids. It's in the worst of times that truly get to know who has your back. Hopefully once you have sold the house you have a clean slate and can start afresh with beautiful children. :hugs
I have been in panics unable to find hens at times and eventually found them well hidden on eggs huddled under a grassy or planted spit in the yard. I found one with 17 eggs under her one time. No rooster so a waste.

That is fascinating MyHaven - [ even though it sent you into panic mode.]

I am guessing that she laid a clutch of eggs, perhaps stole a few from other hens, and then went clucky ? Always thought broodies don't actually lay any eggs, while in that clucky state - - is that correct ? or have I got the bull by the horns ( again ) ...

Cheers ....
Hello everyone! Its been a while since I have been able to get onto the forum (major computer problems). I have some catch up reading to do. I hope you are all well!

I have manged to put some roosts up in my coop for the ladies and they LOVE them! They are all roosting up high at night now and we have had no mishaps with falling roosts (screws and a drill fixed that problem). I'm quite chuffed with my efforts.

I also got a little surprise upon returning home after a weekend away last weekend, yay our first eggs! When I cracked them they were just perfect little eggs

My poor Harriet and Sybil are having a few issues (I think) at the moment. I'm hoping someone might be able to offer some advise to me. Harriet has been closing her left eye over the last couple of days. I managed to sneak up on her this morning to pick her up and take a look. There is not discharge or anything mucky around the eye. I'm hoping it just a bit a trauma. She is alert, eating, drinking and pooing normally.

Harriet good eye, lovely and clear;

Harriet bad eye, note the white dot in the right hand corner;

Harriet closed bad eye;

Sybil sees to have an overgrown beak and I think its slightly chipped too. I cant sneak up and pick her up as she is the least tame. Is this something to worry about. She is also alert and seems to be eating fine.

I would appreciate any advise or help. I hate worrying about my animals

Hi Chook Newby .... good to see you back here.

The 'white spot' in the corner of her eye, could be a little bit of mucky mucus. In which case, she has either poked her eye with a bit of stick or straw and it has become irritated, and perhaps has even started up some bacterial conjunctivitis. The 3rd pic of her with the closed eye would underscore this - but .... only a vet could tell for sure, what it is she may have, and give the appropriate ointment or spray to apply, if needed. So my post here is only a small suggestion. I have used the now old fashioned Golden Eye ointment ( a human and animal ointment ) on two of my cats in the past with good success, but they were cats - I have no idea about chicken tolerance.

Fancy mentioned chlorsig, which is somewhat the same chemical family to the old Golden Eye ointment ( Chloramphenicol ), and has from googling things, replaced that older ointment. It is based on the same chemical that was used in the old Golden Eye stuff.

Other than that, gently bathing the eye ( if you can catch her and get her to stand still !!! ??? ) ....with runny warm water several times a day, might clear up any infection she might be brewing. Then dry her feathers off and let her go. But that is only a band-aid solution. A vet should be able to tell from a tiny swab, what the mucus is if it gets any worse.

Cheers - and good luck.

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That is fascinating MyHaven -  [ even though it sent you into panic mode.]

I am guessing that she laid a clutch of eggs, perhaps stole a few from other hens, and then went clucky ?   Always thought broodies don't actually lay any eggs,  while in that clucky state  - - is that correct ? or have I got the bull by the horns ( again ) ... ;)

Cheers .... 

You have described it perfectly.
It looks like diamond will be raising both chicks as Buffy has returned to sitting and pecks at either chick if the come near, where as diamond is responding to calls for warmth from either hers or buffies. I will start the process of breaking Buffy so that she doesn't continue to sit and get sick for nothing.
That is fascinating MyHaven -  [ even though it sent you into panic mode.]

I am guessing that she laid a clutch of eggs, perhaps stole a few from other hens, and then went clucky ?   Always thought broodies don't actually lay any eggs,  while in that clucky state  - - is that correct ? or have I got the bull by the horns ( again ) ... ;)

Cheers .... 

It's just a cycle lay lay lay, sit sit sit. Laying is just getting ready for cluckyness.

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