Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

What I meant by my comment is that MyHaven's pets are not a food source for someone else's dog. I get that the dogs' don't know any different of course, and they were acting instinctually, so to them the birds they killed were food or sport, but to us no they are not, and importantly the council should not have made that comment. Someone (in this case MyHaven), who was responsible in ensuring her pets were confined to their own yard,  those animals are not a food source for a negligent owners wandering and intrusive animals (I'm assuming negligence here as the dogs yard was not ensured to be secure). To clarify, I meant more from a legal human point of view. The dogs behaviour is awful, but not unusual for a dog. Their owners however need to accept responsibility for any damage their dogs may cause, as the dogs would be considered their property, therefore the dogs behaviour good or bad is on them legally, and the council should do what they're supposed to and penalize people whose animals who cause problems to other people and their property.

I'm sure we both agree though that we hope this goes MyHaven's way, and her new chicks will be safe in the future :)

The owners should accept responsibility and that as the council officer said "dogs will be dogs" and will do it again if the opportunity arises.

If I had a dog do similar I would not hesitate to have it put down. That is the only way it couldn't repeat the behaviour, but more importantly build on the behaviour.

@MyHaven I have Bruce a Sussex Rooster

And my hens
Sussex x
Astrolrop X
new pullets who get intergrated Sunday
Buff frizzle x pekin
Plymouth Rock x astrolorp

And one bulldog who thinks she's a chicken

Lovely. I have a cat that thinks she's a dog and a chicken that thinks she can drive.
It takes all kinds.
What I meant by my comment is that MyHaven's pets are not a food source for someone else's dog. I get that the dogs' don't know any different of course, and they were acting instinctually, so to them the birds they killed were food or sport, but to us no they are not, and importantly the council should not have made that comment. Someone (in this case MyHaven), who was responsible in ensuring her pets were confined to their own yard, those animals are not a food source for a negligent owners wandering and intrusive animals (I'm assuming negligence here as the dogs yard was not ensured to be secure). To clarify, I meant more from a legal human point of view. The dogs behaviour is awful, but not unusual for a dog. Their owners however need to accept responsibility for any damage their dogs may cause, as the dogs would be considered their property, therefore the dogs behaviour good or bad is on them legally, and the council should do what they're supposed to and penalize people whose animals who cause problems to other people and their property.

I'm sure we both agree though that we hope this goes MyHaven's way, and her new chicks will be safe in the future :)

Fizzybelle ~~ .... All is well, and my apologies for coming on a bit strong about it all.

The situation for MyHaven upset me too - along with many others here, not to mention MH who had to deal with the shocking situation.

Have found on a couple of occasions ( elsewhere - not here ), that I have misread something - or someone has misread my comments, and the written word can be a bit awkward at times.

And yes, we do both agree - for the best for MyHavens' dealing with the authorities, and for her chicks in the future.
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It's all good Anniebee :)

I think the storms around Brisbane have started to move on. The grass has really recovered well though! Lots of new sprouts everywhere, and the ground is perfect for laying down some new turf. The squares of turf we did lay down a few weeks ago have really established now and are thriving. Only downside I'm expecting is the onslaught of mosquitos for rainwater sitting around.
Satay I hope you feel better soon. Nerve pain can be very debilitating. I had it for 3 years before I had an op on my spine. I really feel for you.

devinandfeather I was there too. I thought I recognized the ducklings. Did you find out who was selling them? Maybe they could give you some info.

Fizzybelle I love your helpers aren’t they just the most helpful. ( helping themselves to worms and getting under the shovel etc)

Annibee Its funny how some dogs have to eat everything, it’s like our kids some put everything in their mouths and others don’t bother. Were you given the opportunity to keep Sonya?

Teila I hope you’re feeling well after being back at work for a couple of days.

alicexx beautiful chooks
I Couldn't raise a puppy and let it go. I admire you for giving it a go.

I am an advocate for crate training though. The crate is like a den for them and is a great way of keeping puppies safe when you can't watch them and stops them building the bad behaviours they do when not supervised. It must be used correctly though and not used as an easy way out of training or for punishment. If done correctly they love their crate.

Yes I agree, once a dog has killed while "engaged in prey drive" they will kill again.

Hi MyHaven .... Thank you for your kind comments. We always knew we would have to give Sonya back, at some stage - 12 > 14 months is the norm, and as I said - they belong to that programme wholly - - - - only the purchaser can walk away with them as a pet, with no more orders from the authority about how they are to be raised. Harsh, hard and rapid was the go for that organisation. Dogs are individuals, and need appropriate time to each dog - not a 'rush through of requirements' ??


I was interested in your advice about 'crate training'. Sonya loved her crate, and would put herself to sleep in it or just for rest - any time during the day - & locked in it, at night.

I was not at all sure about the 'punishment' side of things that the assistance programme advised ?? - banish her to the crate when she's done something wrong with appropriate verbal admonishment. ... Punish her with her crate - was the go ??
... ( not on.)

As she loved it so much, and was a nervy type of dog to begin with, I was afraid she might turn her back in confusion on her much loved 'den' ... and feel it instead as a place associated with corrections from us. i.e. ( as advised by the co-ordinator ) "NOOO" ... and instant isolation / banishment to a place she normally felt relaxed in. So I chose to abandon that idea - and used diversion, and more often particular obedience training, to cause her to do as she was told. And she was good at that, too. A very clever girl.

Would make a splendid pet for the right person. We were offered first choice for $1000 - which we simply could not afford at the time, despite trying to think around how we could do it - it would have been a bad economic scene. So she ultimately would have been sold ( according to their website ) ... for between $1500 and $3000. ... that is the price for the many many people who are on lists waiting for rejected Labradors from the programme.

Having bred puppies, I have had to adopt the attitude ( through my tears ) .... that when we sold our puppies, it was to the best homes we could possibly find ( had to reject a few enquiries and interviews - boy was that ever a test in diplomacy !!! ) ... ... Of the last litter we had, 4 pups we knew about through their very happy and long lives, as the new owners wanted to remain in contact - 3 of them I have no idea - but could only hope for the very best for them, and thereafter try not to worry about it. ... So have tried to adopt the same feelings where Sonya is concerned. Prior to that I had also bred cats, and the same thing had to apply. ... except I only ever knew about 1 of the kittens, none of the others. Had bred other puppies, years back, none of which I followed. Owners can get understandably, a bit uncomfortable about breeders queries about puppies ... it is just kind of 'not done'.

Never an easy thing to do - but it has to be done ( for the breeders' sanity if nothing else ).

I am currently 'nurse / training adviser on call' for a new apricot toy poodle, owned by my grand-daughter and family. Oh boy !! The many texts and phone calls, from newbie 'parents' of this little darling - "Theodore Percival" .. ( Teddy for short ).

I hope you are taking things more easily on yourself at this time. You have been through some very harsh days , for sure.

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Good morning folks

Well, I survived day 1 back at work and just one more to go and it is the weekend

Congrats on your new arrivals devinandfeather they are cute! Sorry, I know nothing about ducks except that.

Fizzybelle love your helpers!

Anniebee I am so very sorry for the loss you are feeling with Sonya gone
Do you think you would sign up for the program again?
Teila .... the short answer is NO.

Not because we wouldn't love to raise a puppy to do good for people in need.

But because of the inordinate amount of orders, requirements, emails, phone calls and 'rush through' of training, demanded by the organisation concerned.

I have to say, they need a logistics overhaul. XXX no. of puppies bred per year ... and only XX number of puppy raisers - - for a start. We all go in with good intentions, and then find out the hard way. A few people raise these puppies continually - having several one after another, but many won't front up again ( puppy raisers talk amongst themselves, when meeting at the campus for whatever reason ! ).

We were asked ( in the same phone call to request Sonya to go back ) ... whether we could raise another puppy ?

So the conversation was more or less " the committee have decided to recall Sonya as she does not suit any of the categories .. blah blah ... you can buy her for $1000 if you wish ... blah blah - would you like to raise another puppy ? ... blah blah -".

True as I type here.

Not the happiest of experiences at that particular time.

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Satay I hope you feel better soon. Nerve pain can be very debilitating. I had it for 3 years before I had an op on my spine. I really feel for you.

devinandfeather I was there too. I thought I recognized the ducklings. Did you find out who was selling them? Maybe they could give you some info.

Fizzybelle I love your helpers aren’t they just the most helpful. ( helping themselves to worms and getting under the shovel etc)

Annibee Its funny how some dogs have to eat everything, it’s like our kids some put everything in their mouths and others don’t bother. Were you given the opportunity to keep Sonya?

Teila I hope you’re feeling well after being back at work for a couple of days.

alicexx beautiful chooks

LuckysMum ... .... we were given the opportunity to keep Sonya - for a price - ( below - a copy and paste from another of my comments here ).

" We were offered first choice for $1000 - which we simply could not afford at the time, despite trying to think around how we could do it - it would have been a bad economic scene. So she ultimately would have been sold ( according to their website ) ... for between $1500 and $3000. ... that is the price for the many many people who are on lists waiting for rejected Labradors from the programme. "

We were told that she has been sold to a lady who is experienced in handling and training dogs ( so I guess we have to believe that ? ).

I have had plenty to say about it - in other posts here.

Thank you for your interest ....

Cheers ...
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Hi MyHaven ....   Thank you for your kind comments.   We always knew we would have to give Sonya back, at some stage - 12 > 14 months is the norm, and as I said - they belong to that programme wholly - - - - only the purchaser can walk away with them as a pet, with no more orders from the authority about how they are to be raised.  Harsh, hard and rapid was the go for that organisation.   Dogs are individuals, and need appropriate time to each dog - not a 'rush through of requirements' ??  :(


I was interested in your advice about 'crate training'.   Sonya loved her crate, and would put herself to sleep in it or just for rest - any time during the day - & locked in it, at night.  

I was not at all sure about the 'punishment' side of things that the assistance programme advised ??   - banish her to the crate when she's done something wrong with appropriate verbal admonishment.  ... Punish her with her crate - was the go ??  :rolleyes:  ... ( not on.)   

As she loved it so much, and was a nervy type of dog to begin with, I was afraid she might turn her back  in confusion on her much loved 'den' ... and feel it instead as a place associated with  corrections from us.   i.e. ( as advised by the co-ordinator )  "NOOO" ... and instant isolation / banishment to a place she normally felt relaxed in.  So I chose to abandon that idea - and used diversion, and more often particular obedience training,  to cause her to do as she was told.   And she was good at  that, too.   A very clever girl.

Would make a splendid pet for the right person. We were offered first choice for $1000 - which we simply could not afford at the time, despite trying to think around how we could do it - it would have been a bad economic scene.  So she ultimately would have been sold ( according to their website ) ... for between $1500 and $3000.  ... that is the price for the many  many people who are on lists waiting for rejected Labradors from the programme.   

Having bred puppies, I have had to adopt the attitude ( through my tears ) .... that when we sold our puppies, it was to the best homes we could possibly find ( had to reject a few enquiries and interviews - boy was that ever a test in diplomacy !!!  ) ...   ... Of the last litter we had, 4 pups we knew about through their very happy and long lives,  as the new owners wanted to remain in contact  - 3 of them I have no idea - but could only hope for the very best for them, and thereafter try not to worry about it.  ... So have tried to adopt the same feelings where Sonya is concerned.   Prior to that I had also bred cats, and the same thing had to apply.  ... except I only ever knew about 1 of the kittens, none of the others.  Had bred other puppies, years back,  none of which I followed. Owners can get understandably, a bit uncomfortable about breeders queries about puppies ... it is just kind of 'not done'.    

Never an easy thing to do - but it has to be done ( for the breeders' sanity if nothing else ).  

I am currently 'nurse / training adviser on call' for a  new apricot toy poodle, owned by my grand-daughter and family.  Oh boy !!  The many texts and phone calls,  from newbie 'parents' of this little darling -  "Theodore Percival" .. ( Teddy for short ).      

I hope you are taking things more easily on yourself at this time.   You have been through some very harsh days , for sure.  


Oh my, I can't believe they promoted/advised negative reinforcement techniques. How is an assistance dog supposed to build confidence necessary to do the job. Knowing you - that must have been difficult to hear.
Good morning folks

Tee hee mamabokbok ‘fairy egg’ definitely sounds better
We have had a couple of those over the years, but this one next to a grain of corn and a bantam egg is my favourite, so tiny!

alicexx love the pics and the bullhen

satay thinking of you today
I hope the travel and the CT goes well, I know how difficult it can be to sit in the car with a bad back and then have to lie perfectly still during the scan.

Fizzybelle yep, I am hoping for a storm free weekend. I probably should not be mowing the lawn so soon after my procedure but I am grabbing the opportunity while I can; a break from the heat and rain.

Anniebee they sell the rejects for how much? Gees Louise, they know how to charge! I do not blame you for not wanting to go through that experience again
Have you considered fostering? I think with your love and kindness you would be perfect in that role. Granted you would still have to give them up when they are found new forever homes but at least you and the foster would not have to go through the wringer that is the assistance programme and you would be giving a dog or puppy a second chance at a good life.

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