Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Good morning folks

It is all very hush hush at the moment [lots of irons in the fire] and I will tell you more when I can, but we are planning a move and that move will slightly increase my chances of bumping into the occasional snake .. I will definitely be researching the buzz/vibration things.

Fancy if you are sitting on the porch in your rocking chair with gun across your lap, definitely do not forget to be chewing on a piece of hay .. that would perfectly complete the mental picture

I also hope that you are able to convince the wedge tail that yours is not a good place to hang around.

Cheep82 Thank you and happy new year to you also. Integration sounds like it is going pretty well; space and time are the key elements in my opinion.

LuckysMum I lived in Thornlie for a while, many, many, many years ago.

sjturner79 great news that everyone did OK while you were away .. welcome back!
My chooks have a dust bath, a massive date palm that hangs over the "chook tronic" coop. When they free range, they always go under the house. Lots of shade,spiders, snails and other tasty morsells for them to forage on.
Around 7pm on a hot arvo. They might get a quick sprinkle of water. When i water the veg garden lol. But my chooks always duck for cover. Dont think they enjoy that much
Hi Lisa

Good to see that you found us! I do hope you enjoy this thread. We may not be as active as some others but everyone is really friendly and helpful and we have some laughs.

Yeah, my gals do not do 'get wet' either
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My chooks have a dust bath, a massive date palm that hangs over the "chook tronic" coop. When they free range, they always go under the house. Lots of shade,spiders, snails and other tasty morsells for them to forage on.
Around 7pm on a hot arvo. They might get a quick sprinkle of water. When i water the veg garden lol. But my chooks always duck for cover. Dont think they enjoy that much
My chooks have a dust bath, a massive date palm that hangs over the "chook tronic" coop. When they free range, they always go under the house. Lots of shade,spiders, snails and other tasty morsells for them to forage on.
Around 7pm on a hot arvo. They might get a quick sprinkle of water. When i water the veg garden lol. But my chooks always duck for cover. Dont think they enjoy that much

Sorry stuffed the last one up.

I know you'll love this thread as much as the rest of us.

I use the hose to round my lot up the don't like getting wet either. When I want them to go back in there coop I just turn the hose on and go behind them they quickly go where I want them.
Welcome Lisa... I also am a new comer and have found this thread very helpful and informative; not to mention entertaining.
My girls did well yesterday with 38 degrees and today it's going to be 37! As recommended I gave them watermelon and hosed down the trees around the coop...Madge and Tilly don't mind the water however Molly, Milly and black Betty run a mile. However they are laying! They are also enjoying tuna morning tea snack. Enjoy!
Hi Susan.
Monday will be the start of some pretty bad heat waves. So Ill do that. Ill soak my chicken run trees and that should help them.
The other day I put a water melon out and the chooks loved it. Today for a treat they got meal worms.
Thanks for that hnady info.
It is ultra hot in Victoria at present - with overnight temps bad as well, for tonight. Chookies are coping - not sure how well, but at least they are not panting. Not eating a lot though.

Humidity has been really bad recently, but today, lessened a lot - so I didn't spray the overhanging elm leaves, as that would have made for humidity over / for them. They didn't need that to add to any discomfort they might have been feeling. ( we live in the Dandenong Ranges, and the temps and weather is very different to that shown for the CBD and suburbs ).

Spraying / misting is good - especially if it is a sticky heat. ... .Or so I have found.

Roll on Autumn .... I do NOT like our summers here.

Cheers - - - -.
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