Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Thanks for those tips, any ideas on brush turkeys, they've made a nest and I'm dreading how many turkeys they will hatch.

No advice but I so wish i had them out here. We lived in a yuppy brissy suburb of paddington many years ago and they used to nest in the back yard there. I never did see how many babies they had but love the turkeys.
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hi there!
I'm from QLD at the sunny gold coast! (an amazing place):yesss:
I currently have 5 14 week old chicks but I am very sad because I have posted threads about there gender and people say there ALL roosters!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!devestated:hit


It does seem to be the season for it. I haven't hatched anything for a while as my rooster to hen ratio from all breeds was up about 90% roosters.
Good morning folks

satay I am so sorry to hear about Miss Frizz
RIP sweet little girl.

I have everything crossed that the hawks move on quickly appps

Tillicans definitely not a Brush Turkey fan here; had one visit and leave an unwanted gift of mites.

We tried the hanging CD’s for the Crows; they treated them like disco balls and continued to party under them
Satay, they are a nuisance, trying at all times to get to the chook food, but they can't as I have a grand pa feeder and their run is secure. They are friendly just worried they carry a lot of mites and lice and they dirt bath in my chooks area under the house where the dirt is dry and sunny. I saw one yesterday sunning itself outside the coop, grrrr!! I'll send them to you
Anniebee I'll have to try the cd's for crows. Do the girls worry about cd's, or do I need to hang them fairly high? I haven't seen any hawks. Lucky chased off a Maggie the other day but the doves are allowed free run. We have a owl, its head moves in the wind, but nothing seems to care about it.

LuckysMum ~ ~

There seems to be a variety of opinions about the CD's .... The thread I saw them mentioned on, had great success - particularly with large predatory birds apparently. I think tied as high up as possible in the trees is the go, but have never heard of chickens being upset by them.

Chickens are used to all kinds of things around them - us, household dogs and cats, other birds, mine don't even care about the whipper snipper or mower ? And they seem to keep their eyes on the ground - being ground feeders. Only time they look up is when a flight of cockatoos or a raptor is in the area - at which time they very quickly disappear inside their coops. One cockie is welcome - 3 dozen of them wheeling and screeching is just a tad too much !!

Good luck, with whatever deterrent you use ....

Cheers ~
We had a bush turkey hang around our old house a few years ago, and I hated him as he would chase the girls and scare them. I had to round them up as they could have been attacked. He would frequently inspect the pile of lawnmower clippings in the back corner, deemed it no good, yet hung around anyway. The girls eventually flattened the pile by flinging it everywhere anyway. My dad finally ended up scaring him away for good. Stupid turkey wandered into the chicken coop and dad locked him in. Went around the coop with the rake, running the back of it against the wire to make a noise, the purpose being to basically scare the daylights out of him for a few minutes, then let him out. The turkey never returned, lesson learnt, and chickens safe.
Hi Everyone.

It's been a while but I thought I'd pop in and see how everyone's flocks are coping with the heat. We lost Stampy (the ISA brown) earlier this year but everyone else has survived the heat despite me not rushing out and fussing nearly as much as I used to. I'll be doing frozen peas in the water bowls and hoping that this is the last heatwave for the year!
Good morning folks

Hey Anniebee my gals do not like the whipper snipper or lawn mower if they are confined to the run but do not seem to mind it if they are free ranging .. probably because they go and sit with Dad under the gazebo until it is finished and they can reap the rewards

Yep, same here, 1 or 2 Cockies are OK but the flock of hundreds that fly over every afternoon, not so much

Hey cwrite good to see you again; I am sorry to hear about Stampy
Hope everyone had a good chrissy and new years. Just a quick question how long do ducklings stay on duck starter for before moving onto the next level of feed? My pet stores dont stock duckling food so got to order at least 3 weeks in advanced. The little one is only 6 days old so got plently of time.

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