Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

HI everyone I have found some stick fast fleas on the comb and around the eyes of some of my girls. I looked on the pest thread and saw some interesting info. With some people using Frontline. As I have my own chooks so I don't have to have chemicals I don't want. I was wondering what other people use to control stick fast fleas. I went to a couple of pet shops stock feeds and mostly they recommend a powder but none of the specified stick fast fleas.
I was also told they don't bother with dogs or  humans is this true. I use DE on the floors and in the boxes under the bedding and wood chips.
Thanks for any help.:)

A neighbours hens had them last year and what i tried for her and seemed to work was vaseline. Smothered them in it and then sprayed all around the nest boxes and in the hen house with the woolies surface spray. Kept spraying the hen house once a week even after they were gone.
Good morning folks :frow Nutcase I lived in Darwin for 3 years after sailing a yacht up the West Australian coast. Beautiful part of the world! satay I can only hope my gals live that long. Any chance of a picture of your white faced black Spanish, I would love to see her? Great pictures TheChookChick78! Reggie in the grass gave me flashbacks of Jurassic Park and the raptors ;) Love Whitey and her ‘jelly beans’! Nice big chook pen! Aaaw gees LuckysMum sorry to hear of yet another loss :( These just in from Forrest Beach .... The rotary clothes line has been erected. Can you see Jessie? [near the fence] While she is FIL’s girl, I will have a dog in my life again! As you can see, I have my work cut out for me in the garden but I am going to love every minute of it! So tropical and green and less neighbours! :celebrate My compost bin aka the gals’ bug dispenser has been set up and apparently already 2/3 full. This is where the fish ponds are going. This a present hubby bought for me. The timber for the coop is being delivered on Monday! Back to packing and giving away/selling stuff! Have a good weekend everyone.
Is hubby enjoying his new job?
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Good evening folks

Hey satay hubby does not start until the 20th and went up early to hopefully get a head start on the coop. Timber being delivered tomorrow.

Had an exhausting weekend cleaning out the shed and getting rid of stuff on Gumtree, gees some people are early birds
Good evening folks :frow

Hey satay hubby does not start until the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] and went up early to hopefully get a head start on the coop.  Timber being delivered tomorrow.

Had an exhausting weekend cleaning out the shed and getting rid of stuff on Gumtree, gees some people are early birds ;)

Oh what a good hubby you have there,:)
Do you know the difference between stuff and junk?
I have a lot of stuff but my wife keeps a lot of junk!

Tee hee, apparently not!

Just before I leave, I am going to order a skip and anything that no-one has taken is going in it! I was amazed at what people were keen to get their hands on and what was left from the shed clean out, which is actually not much. There is a fella coming past tomorrow who says that he will take whatever is left. I have no idea what he is going to do with it but he is definitely welcome to it
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Do you know the difference between stuff and junk?
I have a lot of stuff but my wife keeps a lot of junk!

:lau i dread if we ever had to move and hubby left before me. He has so much might need it stuff like Teilas hubby. Think i would just skip bin it all :lau His shed full of stuff alone could fit 3 cars without what's in the 3 garden sheds.
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It looks like the boys from my November hat have worked out that they are roosters. Instead of 1 set of crowing this morning I've had various different pitch and types of crow on and off most of the day. It's still 5 weeks until they are all scheduled to leave, but I might have to find out who the louder ones are and do something about them sooner.
Good morning folks

satay lol at your sheds, sounds like our hubby’s are similar in that regard.

sjturner79 Yikes, sounds like your little ones are growing up quick!

No news from here really. Junk, uuum, sorry, stuff! is still disappearing in bits n’ pieces from under the carport whenever someone pops over. The timber for the coop and run arrived in Forrest Beach yesterday afternoon so, no doubt, construction will commence today. Son has an inspection booked this afternoon at an apartment in a building he has been looking at for a while now, so fingers crossed that he likes it.

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