Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Good news, they are %90 sure it's not a sarcoma as they suspected. They are thinking It's an infection growing inside the muscle. Hopefully it responds well to treatment. Thanks for all the well wishes, I will sleep a lot better tonight!

That is excellent news ... and I wish you all the very best. Had posted a reply to your original worrying news, but very happily was able to delete that. Sure can understand you sleeping better now. Hope your little son is home and in quick recovery, very soon.


Cheers .....
I have just spent about 1.5 hours going over approx. 20 pages of missed posts. But I am very glad I did. Hit like on a few, and wish I could have said 2 or 3 words on those and more - but it no longer happens. ... I don't understand the first thing about hatching bubby chicks and ducklings, but I did read everything. :th

Sooo many of you waiting for pippings, hatchings, days to lock down, days past lock down etc. - healthy chicks / ducklings ... some worrying about the state of eggs, state of chicks not yet out - etc. I don't think I could cope, but then at my age, that might not be too surprising. :rolleyes: Much much kudos to those who put sooo much time and effort into raising new stock ... :clap :clap :thumbsup

And a warm hello to all new visitors / posters.

Was not a simple task, retracing steps some 18 + pages, x min. 6 = over 100 posts. Must try and keep up far more regularly.

Cheers ~~
Good news, they are %90 sure it's not a sarcoma as they suspected. They are thinking It's an infection growing inside the muscle. Hopefully it responds well to treatment. Thanks for all the well wishes, I will sleep a lot better tonight!
That is great news. Hopefully he'll be on the way to a full recovery quickly.
That is very sad satay .... could have been anything on the rampage - particularly more than 1 hunting animal - ... to lose so many ? .... I feel for you. So sad.
Thanks Anni. I'm still not sure. Found a couple of paw prints that were way bigger than thors (he's 62kg so has a big foot) but that's about it.
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Not responding re ducks, acreage etc., but was interested about the nitrogen and fruit trees comment. Sorry - can't help on that one.

Have however, always read, been told, etc., that chooken woopsies is not good for roses. A big no-no according to many. The single climbing rose in my girls run, around which I throw a lot of chook manure, has thrived and is climbing - has buds on it even now, which is early. It has managed to grow itself up a trellis, and away from chookie gorging on tender young leaves. Looking splendid - anyone know more about this ?

Cheers -
I use chicken and used to use duck poop on all my fruit trees but i let it rest for 6 months first. I remember my mum saying when she was younger her uncle had an orchid and the chickens and ducks lived in it to keep bugs at bay and to fertilise so i would think it would be ok.
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Update from me we have had 51mm of rain overnight and i have that green stuff growing that i haven't seen for a while.:lau it's funny how rain falls. Yesterday morning we went into town. a whole 8km away and it teemed down they had 60mm in 30 mins got back home and we had 0. Suppossed to be more rain coming for the next few days.:celebrate
Hey Anniebee Thank You! I am sorry, I thought people might start to worry but I have been and continue to be flat out like the proverbial.

The house and garden have been severely neglected for many, many years and being the only gardener in residence, the majority of trying to turn what is basically a mess of weeds, undergrowth, piled up coconuts and palm fronds back into a garden and lawn is a huge effort.

I spent 7 hours on it yesterday and have the aches, pains and green ant bites to prove it! My elbow seems to have copped the brunt of the aches but at least it only hurts when I move my arm :rolleyes: However, it was well worth it and I can now actually see a fence on one side.

Congrats on the rain satay! From what I hear CQ and SEQ seem to be getting a good dose of rain, not so much FNQ. No doubt we will once the rainy season arrives but at the moment, I am having to water everything.
More baby silkies.
Hey Anniebee Thank You! I am sorry, I thought people might start to worry but I have been and continue to be flat out like the proverbial.

The house and garden have been severely neglected for many, many years and being the only gardener in residence, the majority of trying to turn what is basically a mess of weeds, undergrowth, piled up coconuts and palm fronds back into a garden and lawn is a huge effort.

I spent 7 hours on it yesterday and have the aches, pains and green ant bites to prove it! My elbow seems to have copped the brunt of the aches but at least it only hurts when I move my arm :rolleyes: However, it was well worth it and I can now actually see a fence on one side.

Congrats on the rain satay! From what I hear CQ and SEQ seem to be getting a good dose of rain, not so much FNQ. No doubt we will once the rainy season arrives but at the moment, I am having to water everything.
Yes we are we are up to 100mm for the 2 days and it's still lightly sprinkling. Everything is soggy now. Haven't seen that for a while.

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