Australorp Chicks at 4 Weeks


8 Years
Oct 3, 2011
Western WA
OK, so I know it isn't 100%, but I read somewhere that an australorp can be sexed at 4-6 weeks based on their feathers. Of course I couldn't find pictures showing this for an Australorp. I have two that turned four weeks yesterday. One was very slow to grow for the first two weeks and didn't have tail feather until week three. Well, at least noticeable ones. At week three I could tell she was catching up in size and feathers. Now she has some decent feathers, but when she lays down (which she does a lot) they go straight up. Does this point to rooster? Here are my pictures:

Greta, the slow growing runt(?) that now has crazy tail feathers. She is still smaller than the others though.

Ethel, the one that grew at the same speed as my other chickens along side my EE Mabel. I figured this was a better comparison picture since Ethel is laying down as well.

I'm just an eager mama and concerned since I can't keep a rooster where I live.
Aww...Your girls are cute!! I too am in Western Washington, where did you get your girls? I will post pics of my two Black Australorps at that age. I had one girl that was a slow grower too! Let me dig for my pics to post. : )
I have vintage names for my girls too! I also have a Mabel! She a Speckled Sussex. I have a Esther, Lucy, Lola, Charlotte, Gracie, Millie, Cora, Hazel and Alice!

I also have to laugh because I play video games too! lol
Strange, mine at four weeks look more like yours at six. You can click on my website to see more pictures of my tiny flock. Funny how they they grow so different. But people are the same way.
I play on the Wii! I play Harvest Moon.
I also play rockband with the family, I am the drummer!

Dang, we sold our Wii. I play a lot of shooters with my husband. I have the gaming taste of a 16 year old boy.
Which makes my 15 year old son happy.

What are your other chickens? Mine are two Autralorps, two EE's (sold to me as Americanas) and one RIR<- that would be Rhonda, my grouch. She would rather I not fuss over them. Ethel and Mabel seem to enjoy my presence and hop on my hands when they are given the chance. Greta and Hazel aren't sure. They do like it when I have oats, but they do not want to be touched.

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