Australorps breed Thread

You would have to get white orpingtons , they are a founding breed so you can use them to create white australorps.

Hupp farms has blue australorps, he has a website and is a member in here..there are a few breeders in here that have white orpingtons.
I think they are getting a little carried away with the small tail size, thats just my opinion..I think it kind of ruins the over all look of the bird when the tail is too small..some of the older pictures capture what the bird is supposed to look like...they are called the great bird of curves, they are supposed to curve from beak all the way through the tail..Thou thse birds are beautiful, they are getting boxy looking and have more angles than they used to. When you look at the american standard then look at some of those..I just dont know, they almost look like a different breed..It would be easy enough to create those, english orpingtons and a pinch of clean legged langshan is what australians added to get that look..
Mottled Australorp ???

Just a recent hatch for me, Puglet has black legs the eggs were sent to me by my friend and its a project chick...
well was wondering its face isnt all black like a australorp chicks it has some white in there and its beak isnt completley black either. I mean it doesnt matter Ill love it anyway cause its a australorp. Its feet isnt completely black either there is some yellow in there too.. Wish it would hold still so i could get a better pic...
Yep, we had one last summer that had all white beak but that didnt last..some of them get white wing tips also but they shed those off ..
My first hen has gone broody, and seems very committed to the process, even though she is only 6 months. She pretty much laid about 50 eggs and then decided to hatch the golf balls. We have no roo.
Can anyone with experience tell me how often I can expect them to be broody? I understand they are a broody breed, and this is fine, as we want to hatch eggs from time to time, but not every time!
This time, if AliceAnn won't give it up by the middle of the week, we are going to get some hatching eggs for her.
Does anyone on this threa ever sell their purebred Black Australorp eggs? One day, I would loveto hatch some for myself. And, it looks like I have the world's best incubators here to help me!
Thanks in advance!

Bright Blessings!!!
Hupp farms sells them at this point.He has some very nice austrlorps..and won BOS with a couple of them .Chet has had his for a long time and knows pretty much what they will produce inside his flock...Im still a work in progress. I wont sell until Im very confident in what people are getting both good egg laying qualities and can be shown and do well . I culled right down to the bare bones..I mean Im down to a scant 9 heans and 1 rooster and can use the one I sold out if I need to,...My birds are relativly new and the hen that I show has also produced a Jr winning cockeral that is a sweet as he is good looking. I went to see him today and he really is pretty nice., shes showing him again next year as rooster.. When I see that they are consistantly producing like the one I saw today I will feel confidnet. I should have taken a pic of this cockeral..exactly 5 points , prefect stright comb beautiful curves nose to tail..I was very happy with the way he came out..especially the eye. . but I want to see a majority coming out like him. . Then I will offer some..Im still collecting some birds with pastor romig and a few other people then I will shut it down and work inside the group...Right now I only have 2 hens that will be going into the breeding pen this next year..Possibly 4 but Im really going to study the other 2 befor I make that decision..We are also working on a high quality egg layer program so hens that are being watched for number and quality of ewggs are at our other farm..I have a couple hens that are show as well as go to the other farm bor producing eggs..Its nice when they do both, the show hen produced 302 eggs last year ..Not a bad haul considering she went broody for a spell..
Thank you for all the wonderful info.
My ladies and I are just looking for a few purebred Aussie eggs to hatch for our backyard flock. Hoping for a roo for ourselves, but nothing so magnificent as you are describing. Just a nice fellow to make fluffy butts with my girls.
If you hear of any reputable folks, with "pet quality" BA hatching eggs, please let me know.
Thanks bunches!!!

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