Australorps breed Thread

I would love to see the pictures! What kind of Quail do you have? Also,
They are norther bobwhite and here is the picture
So all together 1 issue is $25 with shipping? If it's $215 then that's a crap price cause my aunt sends alot of large kilos of olive oil from Greece to America and it's only $120 fee on the cargo ship it's about 300+ pounds.. A book is like 2 pounds if that?
Originally Posted by RossAussie

G'day from Australia,

I haven't posted in here for quite some time as I've been fairly busy on other projects. I've been lecturing with The Winning Edge Seminar Group and we have a massive task to do in seven days at the Sydney Royal Easter Show..
Here is a link for those interested

I can recall sending some of Ray Connor's books to a few of you in the USA, l and I was talking to Ray on the phone yesterday, and he asked me if I had heard from any of you.

I have recently completed the second edition of two little booklets. They are both in A3 format, and set as A4 booklets. All are in greyscale print. I initially did 300 copies in 2011 and they sold out within months.
We have sold 250 copies of the 2nd edition in the last three weeks and we have another 500 being printed for the Sydney Royal Easter Show.

The first is "Judging Exhibition Poultry". This is a 32 x A4 page booklet.
The second is "Incubation & Health of Chickens" This is a 20 x A4 page booklet.

If anyone in the USA wants them they are USD $25.00, for the pair, postage paid from Australia to the USA. A bulk order of 10 to the one address, within the USA, would be USD $215.00 posted.

Unfortunately the new postage fees from Australia to the USA is a bit of a killer, but they are worth the read.

If anyone is interested please let me know by message, or email to [email protected] and I'll give you some direct banking and/or PayPal details.


Ross Summerell - Australorp Breeder

I received Ross's Booklets a couple of weeks ago and they are worth way more than the cost requested. Obviously they are a steal at any price! How can you put a price on the knowledge Ross has. You can Not! It is only a shame people have to be so Idiotic and run such a Master breeder away that has an endless wealth of knowledge and was willing to share.

Ross has helped me more than once and I will always respect & value his opinion. Ross knows BA's & breeding while most of us on here are just Wannabes.

Ross if you read this Thank You Again!! I will always consider you a Friend!

G'day Dan,
I know you include yourself, but I reckon you're a little harsh on us. I'm quite proud to be a Wannabe. I don't wanna win best bird in some major show. I find it quite enough work caring for and breeding birds without the stress of having to have them in top condition at a certain time. Plus I like to freerange them which can be a problem. I admire those who do go to the extra effort required to show birds successfully, however. Personally, I just wanna breed the best birds I can 'cause I love the breed!
I agree with you that the loss to the thread of Ross's expertise is regrettable. However steep the postage rates appear to be, it beggars belief how Ross could be deemed responsible for them!
G'day Dan,
I know you include yourself, but I reckon you're a little harsh on us. I'm quite proud to be a Wannabe. I don't wanna win best bird in some major show. I find it quite enough work caring for and breeding birds without the stress of having to have them in top condition at a certain time. Plus I like to freerange them which can be a problem. I admire those who do go to the extra effort required to show birds successfully, however. Personally, I just wanna breed the best birds I can 'cause I love the breed!
I agree with you that the loss to the thread of Ross's expertise is regrettable. However steep the postage rates appear to be, it beggars belief how Ross could be deemed responsible for them!

Not too Harsh at all!! I am on this thread to try to learn from people who know something. Like Ross, Lynne, Kurt, Chet, but it seems some are gone forever and others from that list are rarely on here any more. I did Not come on here to talk about what feed store I got my chicks from or to see if they are a roo or a pullet at 1 week to 8 weeks old. Does it really matter? Is this the most important subject we can discuss? I am sure my time on here will be limited because I am looking for some solid info about breeding, culling, etc. I got more info in a couple of nights reading Ross's literature than I could in a couple of months reading posts on here. Go back through the last 5 pages and show me what valuable info I missed about breeding a True BA or anything to do with the same, culling, etc? People say all that they can find or afford are feed store chicks and I say BS! G'day Mate!!


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