Australorps breed Thread

Here are my birds. :) Click the picture to make them larger!

Little Mister

Big Papa

Big Papa and Little Mama

Little Mister

Big Papa and his watermelon :)

Little Mister, Moose (middle), Bear (right)... "Dinner?"

The six new girls - 3 months old

Love my featherbabies! :D

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I was wondering if it's possible that my Australorp laid these eggs? These are my first two eggs. One from today and one from yesterday.
I'm thinking that she's too young and her comb is too small. What colored eggs do your Australorps lay?

The bigger one is from today. Ignore the white's not from my chickens.
I think the layer is probably my Brown sex link because her comb looks a little paler then before and I think her vent looks bigger and her pelvic bones feel the widest of all my chickens. The only other chicken that could have laid the eggs is my Black sex link and Australorp. I want to know if I can totally cross off my Australorp off the list?
They are 20 weeks and a couple days.
My Brown sex link

my BA's lay Large Brown eggs so yes it seems very possible - they'll grow lighter brown and a tad larger as their laying year drags on.
my BA's lay Large Brown eggs so yes it seems very possible - they'll grow lighter brown and a tad larger as their laying year drags on.
I found out that it WAS my Brown sex link and now my Black sex link started at 23 weeks. I'm still waiting for my Australorp. She's 24 weeks and her comb and wattles are still really small and pale.
I am so sorry to hear about the loss.

Mareks is a tough one to vaccinate for. Most sources say that the vaccine is not very effective because the virus mutates quickly. It may have been something else though. Here in California, we can send them in for necropsy for free. It is very helpful to know what killed them.
Thanks, yeah I really hope it was anything but Mareks, lol.

I'm pretty sure it costs money in Australia to have things like that done, bit of a shame really...
Quote: So sorry How Tragic ! After infection, microscopic lesions are present after one to two weeks, and gross lesions are present after three to four weeks. The virus is spread in dander from feather follicles and transmitted by inhalation.[2]
However, administration of vaccines does not prevent transmission of the virus, i.e., the vaccine is non-sterilizing.[1] However, it does reduce the amount of virus shed in the dander and hence reduce horizontal spread of the disease. I hope it is not Marek's Disease..
Here is a splash from a site I found ( )

To me splash look more a pale grey with dark grey spotting but I'm only going from photos. (I'll tell you when mine starts getting it's feathers :) )Yours would perhaps be more a white with black leakage? (Again correct away!! Lol)
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Gramma Chick, Appps is quite right in their description. splash's have a dirty grey colour to them. Their feathers also darken closer to the head. Whites have one consistent shade of white.
Your chick would be considered dominant white with black leakage.
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Gramma Chick, Appps is quite right in their description. splash's have a dirty grey colour to them. Their feathers also darken closer to the head. Whites have one consistent shade of white.
Your chick would be considered dominant white with black leakage.

So splashes cant be White ? Splash sounds prettier than dominant white with black leakage.LOL

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