Australorps breed Thread

You can use a splash Orpington crossed with a good BA to get a blue, but it will take a couple of years to get the confirmation of the offspring to meet the APA standard for the BA body type because they are two different birds although close. It has to be a good Orp and a good BA to start with.
I have 2 black australorps in my mixed breed flock - Indigo (right) and Violet (left).

This is them at a few day old

With their buff orp friend

Indigo @ 6weeks

Indigo (front) and Violet (behind) enjoying some free-ranging time while I fox-proof their new run.

Indigo is a pullet and pretty sure Violet is a cockerel
Australorp behavior- I plan on getting some new 5 week old Australorp hens and since she has the new and cool Plymouth Blue rocks, I figured I’d get 2 of those. But they are only 3 weeks old. Should I worry about putting them together during their quarantine period and will my old australorp flock (who spend every day free ranging) pick on them? I’ve read they can be bullies. No problem or not an option?
As far as quarantine together, I would guess that at 3 and 5 weeks they should get along fairly well. But you'll have to do the standard integration with the existing older BAs once the quarantine is complete. I don't think any breed is completely friendly to new birds since they are competition for food and the "best" roosting spots. And there is always a hierarchy within the flock, introducing new members disrupts that. Starting young helps though as the littles can find their place without a lot of fighting as would happen with adults.
Yeah that was my other newbie question you got to. “After” the 30 days I start the see but no touch part. Oh such fun. :rolleyes: Where are my eggs???? I didn’t realize when I picked the australorp breed they were or seem to be one of the slower ones to mature. Live and learn and they’re still beautiful and funny! Just ready to get some of the benefits rather than “fertilizer“!

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