Australorps breed Thread

The American Poultry Assn's Standard of Perfection is good only here in the USA. No one affiliated with the management of the APA would ever call it International, as it is not. I''m not going to read all these posts, but whoever implied that is very uninformed or just trying to stir things up. I can't imagine anyone thinking that is true.

I don't know what you are trying to say Aveca, but there is no "same old SOP argument", unless it is something that you read posted somewhere by a non member of the APA.. I don't know where you come up with this stuff. You say the strangest things sometimes.

Talking about burning the US flag is not a joke.

Walt Leonard
Chairman, APA Standard Committee.
yes there is walt and you know it..this has been going on in the threads forever.

geoff was frustrated at our arrogance trying to dictate an international standard to our version.. so he said he felt like taking match to our flag..if you actually read it instead of jumping me, somone posted a this is how we re going to do things i said..out of ignorance.
try r
eading it befor you jump people so you understand what is going on..
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The American Poultry Assn's Standard of Perfection is good only here in the USA. No one affiliated with the management of the APA would ever call it International, as it is not. I''m not going to read all these posts, but whoever implied that is very uninformed or just trying to stir things up. I can't imagine anyone thinking that is true.

I don't know what you are trying to say Aveca, but there is no "same old SOP argument", unless it is something that you read posted somewhere by a non member of the APA.. I don't know where you come up with this stuff. You say the strangest things sometimes.

Talking about burning the US flag is not a joke.

Walt Leonard
Chairman, APA Standard Committee.
Walt, I think it started with a misunderstanding. The SOP is for the USA and Canada. Thus the recreators of the North American Australorp club choose the name Australorp Fanciers International. They took this from the Chantecler Fanciers International name. They never intended this to start a ruckus. Most are not even on BYC.
yes there is walt and you know it..this has been going on in the threads forever.

geoff was frustrated at our arrogance trying to dictate an international standard to our version.. so he said he felt like taking match to our flag..if you actually read it instead of jumping me, somone posted a this is how we re going to do things i said..out of ignorance.
try r
eading it befor you jump people so you understand what is going on..

What I know is going on is this....... no one from the APA has ever said the APA was International nor has the APA tried to dictate an international standard. That is just someones uniformed idea. Post that quote for me please. Maybe Geoff said that..and that is how things get scrambled on this site and this is why I respond when I read this crazy stuff.
People think it is true as long as I don't respond..with my side of it they can make their own decision about what is true.

Using terms like "dispicable" who says that? btw: I have never seen that word used in posts as it relates to chicken types, particularly British imports..

In the USA the APA Standard is used in shows. If you don't show, make up your own standard or use some other countries. The French Standard has Marans as featherlegged. It is a French breed. The British and Aussies have Marans as clean legged. ..what is so terrible for the APA to have a slightly different standard for another countries bird? The Brits changed the Marans in a major way and no one is grousing at them. lol

Walt, I think it started with a misunderstanding. The SOP is for the USA and Canada. Thus the recreators of the North American Australorp club choose the name Australorp Fanciers International. They took this from the Chantecler Fanciers International name. They never intended this to start a ruckus. Most are not even on BYC.

It is not uncommon for organizations to use "International" when it includes the US and Canada. The APA does not call itself International even though the Canadians recognize the APA Standard and rules. There are plenty of examples of that use of International that are easily found online. Companies and organizations commonly do that, but the APA does not.

This is another case of the APA getting a bad rap when someone only reads what they want to read. The APA has nothing to do with any of this.

but no one said apa was saying that, just an australorp organization..i read it it did kind of sound like it was dictating, maybe they should put a footnote that international mens only us and canada..i could kind of see how geoff would get upset..

it would feel a little funny to some people if rir international in china had a dictation on how the standard was to look..i have a feeling there would be some upset people. and more than a few loud voices about i see his one also said the word not sure where your getting that? i said the argument about not liking english imports is like DESPISING your grandfather..they created the bird. it is their creation, like australorp is australian creation. ..if there ever were an international standard..they would have the lions share of input as we would on buckeye and rir..there never will be a true international standard, but things always evolve in poultry.
the word despise means not liked in certian circles.
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Well, it is doubtful the Australorp Fanciers International will ever grant a club meet outside the USA and Canada. Maggie spoke with several top Australorp breeders, including Jim Fagan (sp?). paper work from the old club was mailed to her. The name was picked by a committee that I was not a part of. I offered to do the web services and promotion until a club member volunteers to take over these duties.

Not sure what the issue is. We are posting on a forum based in the USA. Stating the AFI promotes the American Standard of Perfection is the same as the Cochins International or the International Cornish Breeders Association promoting the SOP. Neither Cochin or Cornish are American breeds, but both breed clubs breed to the SOP. (Other than that little pearl eye issue).

I do not believe the AFI members wished to offend anyone. They simple want to promote the Australorp as defined in the American Standard of Perfection. Who can fault them for that. Its the same Standard the breed is judged by at our shows in the US and Canada. Any other Standard would cause the North American bred Australorps to be disqualified at North American shows.
of corse they didnt jim, but it did leave me and as you can see geoff with kind of an uneasy feeling...i kind of felt like, well there we go again telling everybody what they are going to do..especially since the canadian birds are a little bigger and looser feather what few there are, or were..but its a good thing they are working together.eventually they will decide together what is might suggest they say germany and australia not included in this international..the word international usually means more than 2 countries..

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