Auto door crushes hen

Sorry for your loss. I have an auto door for 3 years now. It is just the module attached to a plexiglass home made door weighing about 4 lbs. Can't believe a chicken would sit there while the door is slowly closing. Mine doesn't close with a lot of force as it is the string type. I guess anything can happen with chickens!
I will wait until I am sure they go in the coop themselves before I install mine. I have to kind of scare mine into the coop and then they go roost right away. My chickens would most likely just stay in the run, but maybe I will see if they go in the coop themselves at night. It's weird because during the day they go back in the coop after they go out to the run. I would think if a chicken was sitting on the coop door that the noise of the auto door would scare them and they would head inside.
I just set up my stainless steel auto chicken coop door today, but have not installed it yet. I want to see how it works for a few days first, so it is in my room. I have it set to close at 8:30 PM and I have put my dogs stuffed animal under it to see what happens.
Which auto door did you get?
Morning:) It just says auto door, but I purchased it from Flemings Outdoors. They have a video of installing the door on their website. It's a really nice door.
It is similar to ador. The ador has a button where you can open or close the door manually. As far as a safety mechanism, I don't think any auto door has that if a chicken gets in the way. That would require an electronic eye similar to garage doors. But, the door should move slow enough that they can get out of the way.
The ador beeps so, the chickens have a warning - which would be learned. I have only had one get locked out at the beginning. Now, they are all safe inside by the time I go out to check.
It is similar to ador. The ador has a button where you can open or close the door manually. As far as a safety mechanism, I don't think any auto door has that if a chicken gets in the way. That would require an electronic eye similar to garage doors. But, the door should move slow enough that they can get out of the way.
The ador beeps so, the chickens have a warning - which would be learned. I have only had one get locked out at the beginning. Now, they are all safe inside by the time I go out to check.
Mine does not have a button to open and close manually and it smashed my dogs teddy bear last night, so once I install it, I will set it for really late and I will make sure the chickens are in with their regular door shut before it closes.
Does it beep?
No, no beep, but I think the noise of it closing would startle my chickens until they got use to it. I just don't know if they were in the run and got startled, they would most likely make a mad dash to get in the coop. I don't know if they could all get in before it closed, so I will just make sure they are in first. I mainly bought it so it will open to the run for them in the morning and for times I might go on an overnight trip, but have nothing planned for the near future.
No, no beep, but I think the noise of it closing would startle my chickens until they got use to it. I just don't know if they were in the run and got startled, they would most likely make a mad dash to get in the coop. I don't know if they could all get in before it closed, so I will just make sure they are in first. I mainly bought it so it will open to the run for them in the morning and for times I might go on an overnight trip, but have nothing planned for the near future.
I better get up and let them out, it's past 7:30 and I have a diabetic dog that needs her shot, LOL! Bye!
Anyone ever heard of a auto coop door crushing a chicken ?
I built mine, knowing this could happen but never expected it to. I always joked if a chicken got cought by the door it was not the the smartest chicken in the coop. ..
Got 12 19 week only comets, last night they were not going in as early and ki da blocking the door. Tonight I set it for 30min later 10pm vs 9.30. 9.20 there were 5 huddled at the door I pushed them in. One sat under the door facing in. I assumed when the slow moving door started to close it would move in. I'm thinking now the hen was roosting there. Maybe it kinda squatted when tje door touched it... I just don't know. I have NEVER had chickens hang by the door. I normally am not out there, tonight i was. It just sat there as the door closed. I could not stop it in time. I want to know if this is common. I think it's got to be extremely rare. I'm thinking of putting something that would tickle the chicken first. Maybe broom bristles. .... I'm just stunned.
my hens hog the door entry/exit all the time, no Idea why:confused:
I just found this thread because I was searching for a safe coop door for this exact reason. I have had my Polish chickens for 2 years and they have had their own coop with automatic door for 4 months. The door is similar to ones that you can buy, but I made it myself. It is just a linear actuator that slides a piece of plywood up and down to open and close the door. (i also have another coop that has 2 similar doors) The doors are on a timer to open and close automatically.

I initially had the same concern that a chicken could get crushed, but assumed that since the door goes so slow, they would get out of the way. But 2 nights ago, I happened to be by the coop when the door closed. Apparently, my Polish roo just sat there and let the door pin him. He never made a sound. The only reason that I knew there was a problem was because I heard him flopping around. He was probably only pinned for about 30 seconds before I was able to open the door. He is recovering and I believe that he is going to be ok. but I am definitely going to change the design so that this doesn't happen again.

I decided against a safety stop (like a garage door opener) because I want to be sure that the door shuts. My current plan is to make a hinged door that closes from the outside and has leading protrusion (that i haven't designed yet) that will push/encourage any squatters out of the doorway (and into the coop). i will post pics when its finished.


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