Auto waterer hot water


5 Years
Feb 28, 2014
I purchased a chicken fountain auto waterer and the water is always hot. I put the waterer in the shade but the water in the hose hooked up to the waterer is heated via the sun. Any suggestions to keep cool? Also I'm concerned about the heated water from the hose having bpa and lead leaching in. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Yes water in an unprotected hose can get to become very, very warm, much hotter than you would like your bird to experience. You will most likely need to bury the hose or run some pvc in the ground to your waterer. I suppose you could 'cover' the hose with something to shade it, until you figure out how you are going to deal with the problem.

You may find that five gallon buckets and horizontal nipples may perhaps be an answer for you.


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