Average Age For Laying?


12 Years
Apr 11, 2012
Nova Scotia
Whats the average age most heritage large breed birds start laying?

I have 10 blue australorps and Im looking to build in nest boxes. Four were hatched around May 5th, with a few about two weeks later.

I thought I read about 8 months before they start laying, but Ive read some start around 25 weeks.
Hi. :frow

Some birds will lay as early as 16 weeks and others as late as 40. Sometimes it is relevant to their breed or what time of year they hatched. Majority of my birds lay between 18-24 weeks.

The laying hormone is light sensitive. Less daylight means later laying. With daylight diminishing right now... hopefully early October for you but maybe not until November. I would have my nest boxes completed by late September. :thumbsup

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