
I've never given my chooks avocado out of caution....but I read it was really only the skin and stone that is dangerous?

https://www.purinamills.com/chicken-feed/education/detail/what-to-feed-chickens-chicken-treats-to-feed-and-avoid#:~:text=A few other foods should,avocado is fine for chickens.
here you go^^^^
Thank you, same here! That's why I'm asking, most of what I see is about the skin being harmful but not much info about the flesh 😊
It is just the skins and stones that are bad for them...which they won’t eat anyway.

The flesh is high in fat, but I’m told it’s “a good fat”. ;)

When prepping food waste for my flock, I do sort out most of the avocado to be composted separately, but some slip through and the hens eat it without issue. They actually seem to really like the flesh.

Good news, THANK YOU!!

It is just a small amount I have mixed in with other stuff... Maybe 1 part avo :: 16 part other vegetables/grains(rice and oatmeal). I put it all in, but thought I might ask other people their experience before I give it to them just in case!!
As a family, we eat a lot of avocado. The skin and pit and over ripe fruit all go in the chicken bucket. They eat the flesh and leave the rest. Same as citrus and bananas. They eat the good stuff and leave what isn't good for them. They know where the compost pile is. They just go over there and pick out what they want. I save them the trip.
As a family, we eat a lot of avocado. The skin and pit and over ripe fruit all go in the chicken bucket. They eat the flesh and leave the rest. Same as citrus and bananas. They eat the good stuff and leave what isn't good for them. They know where the compost pile is. They just go over there and pick out what they want. I save them the trip.

Awesome, thank you ❤️ I have an 8x8-ish compost area inside the run for them to dig through, I'm sure it will mix in great
Thank you, same here! That's why I'm asking, most of what I see is about the skin being harmful but not much info about the flesh 😊

Good news, THANK YOU!!

It is just a small amount I have mixed in with other stuff... Maybe 1 part avo :: 16 part other vegetables/grains(rice and oatmeal). I put it all in, but thought I might ask other people their experience before I give it to them just in case!!
PLEASE don't. It is toxic for them, just compost!
Please just skip the avocado. You don’t want to take the chance.
be careful with the compost pile, if it starts to rot or mold your chickens can get botulism.
I personally don't give them access to the compost pile. They are given any scraps that will benefit them, I don't want to risk them eating something off.
I personally don't give them access to the compost pile. They are given any scraps that will benefit them, I don't want to risk them eating something off.
Yes, us too. We don’t have a compost anymore (I traded gardening for chickening), but we always kept it out of reach. We live in the South (originally from upstate NY, I am NOT a southerner) and it was always too hot to risk it. I save all scraps in an old coffee container and leave it in the fridge until the next day (we cook and eat late). I also work at a Diner so I’m able to bring home bags and bags of fresh fruit and vegetable scraps, and my awesome coworkers that make these “chicken buckets” for me are all well versed in what can and can’t go in it.

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