Ayam Cemani

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Do your svart roos have some mulberry in there combs as they age? They don't look dark black-black in the pics. I have a project I am working on and it seems tough to get that dark black and not have it start to get some red as they age.
Just like with the ayam cemani you will always have some to display mulberry in the comb as they age. Not every bird is expected to hatch being perfect. Just like with any breed a percentage are going to be best quality (dark-dark) some are going to be regular, normal quality (dark maybe a little mulberry.)
Just like with the ayam cemani you will always have some to display mulberry in the comb as they age.   Not every bird is expected to hatch being perfect.  Just like with any breed a percentage are going to be best quality (dark-dark) some are going to be regular, normal quality (dark maybe a little mulberry.)  

According to which standards?
The origin country standards are quite specific to them being all black, and with true stock its very easy to see all black.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayam_Cemani (the pictures here are of not so great US birds, but it doesn't say mulberry does it)

Notice on this page that the greenfire farms pictures are obviously different because of the mulberry coloring... Not real Ayam Camani...

A good description first hand of the inbreeding and mixing of Ayam Cemani and Kedu

Again the locals saying that Ayam Kedu is often sold as a Camani and used when farmers need a quick cheap way to make a buck.

An explination of the Ayam Kedu breed that includes the explination for the two types: White Kedu and Cemani Kedu
So its easy to get confused, but its a Cemani Kedu, not an Ayam Cemani when it shows black traits, but not true black ie. Mulberry colorings.

If it's not all black, then its an Ayam Kedu. People will try to sell the all black Kedus as Ayam Cemanis, when they are Ayam Cemani Kedu.
Those black birds making mulberry combs are simply not real Cemanis, they are mixed or close to, but not real.
Take a look at any picture of a "Cemani" from a US site and compare them to any international source and you will quickly see that the US breeders have a different stock because of all the Mulberry coloring in the combs. These are not true Cemanis, that level of coloring can be reached in a first generation mix.

I did a lot of documented fibro experiments, and its quite simple. Any Red = Mixed fibro genetics
The ONLY time a true fibro bird has any red is if they get a VERY rare albino gene that results in white plumage with all other fibro qualities remaining. Some of them will have a light mulberry that is of the same quality throughout the flesh, not in blotches, a consistent mulberry black tone.

Solid Black can only be had by a true fibro to fibro pairing, or luck of the draw with fibro to weak or other pairings.
Why is this so hard to understand?

...Oh right, because an untrue Cemani can still fetch a really high price from an unknowing buyer.
There really is no standard yet for the American Cemoni. Even Cemoni farms has Regular quality and best quality he calls them. If you raise enough birds you get culls..In every single breed there is. It's up to us to try to breed them as dark as possible. I've had mine going on 7 years now. Mine were a land race breed and not breed by a breeder.. They can be now that people want them. If you get all perfect birds wow you have some birds.. Any however you look at it there will be 3 lines out there. There is work to be done with them still like any new breed to the states. Breed darkest ones together and start culling hard. But I guess if you have all perfect birds you dont have culls..Interesting..
I think mine are not bad for a land race fowl and not breed to a standard.. They are still like they were we got them..So they may not be perfect but there are no perfect birds that's what showing and breeding is all about. And NEVER bash someones birds. Like any new breed there is work to be done..

I have given freely a good many birds to people to try to get them out there. And not culls either. Why give? I don't need the money so people that really want them but cant afford them have a chance to raise these nice birds also.. "Carma"....I believe....TM
do you have an "old" dark roo you don't want anymore? I am looking to add some more dark genes into my naked neck project. I am in So Florida and only need it for a few months, I can keep it or I can pass it on to someone else you may want it to go to.
All I raised is pullets this year. The 1 I did raise I kept. My good friend has most of my flock because of health reasons I've been thinning down on my birds. Ohiki,and phoenix are my main focus. While I love the Cemoni I've only raise enough to keep them going. The flock is still as was when they first came here. Now that people are more aware of them I can help by breeding only the darkest of the birds. I've already pen up the 3 very best blackest birds I raised and I'll breed from those. that way we can get them Like Cemoni farms. There's have been breed for generations to get them them more like we want.. Just check back from time to time to see if I have one. I do not at this time....Always in progress...TM.
Have other people been following the Cemani drama on the RarebreedAuction Facebook page? This poor breed is getting a rough start here in the States. I would just be happy if someone, anyone would sell me a Cemani rooster to go with my pullet. I guess I will have to wait until the mania dies down.
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