Babe the Fawn *NEW PICS!*

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For anyone wanting a pet deer, their is a web site for deer rancher were you can buy fawns to bottle feed, or that are being bottle fed.

Can get permits in most state ,if from a farm but not those taken from the wild.

This has work fine, but most fawns found are not lost. Unless you see the mother dead, best to leave them put, so many fawn are found and taken and die, cause the person didnt know how to raise them..

Fawn under 3 days old are not scare of anyone or anything.
Sounds like you're fishin' for a fight. Live-n-let-live.

well did you see Deerman's post?

If it was a buck you could never release him,as he would be a danger to humans.

well, what do you assume he would do with it?​

I had to call the game warden last year over a buck that someone decided to bottle feed. That persons idea was that it would eventually wander off and go into the countryside. He had no fear of people and would let you scratch his head. He would run the length of our fence at dusk and dawn with the dogs while the dogs barked their brains out. He would have definitely become a danger once his antlers began to grow. He was to domesticated to be wild and to wild to be domesticated. So they came and got him.
more people are killed every year by domesticated deer than dogs..

BUT there is nothing wrong with raising a baby who needs help.

otherwise it would have died.

I heard does are much more passive when raised as pets.

and because in some places, like WV deer are SO overpopulated, than they are "pests" you do not need a permit to keep them, atleast where I grew up you don't.
Dont know about anyone picking a fight...

Understand people even saving a buck fawn. Thing is your will have to make sure he is not released into the wild.

No you do NOT destroy him, but keep him penned during the rut, and DO NOT GO in his pen during the rut.

Seen many bottle fed bucks, you can pet them, even when they are growing their rack. Those same bucks will turn on there owner during the rut.

Think of it like a small buck, will fight his father during the rut, thats nature. Bottle fed bucks look at you like a deer.


Deer farmer know this , but some have been hurt or kill, because their little buck was SO TAME. They went in their pen during the rut.

Emzyyy, has done a great job, with this fawn. Rather people get upset over my post.
Than to hear how she got hurt by her pet deer. Glad its a doe now she does not need to worry.

Not just a few ,but most all will attack during the rut.(bottle fed ones)
Today she let my mom feed her usually she shys away from my mom but not today. How high do you think a 3-4 week fawn can jump?
Saw one jump a normal farm fence 52 in. so my guess 6 foot easy. My fawn pens were 6 ft with a top on it.

Wild fawn just a few weeks old jump farm fence all the time.

Some grown deer have been known to jump a 8 ft fence. So some state to keep deer you must have a 10 ft fence, here in Ohio its 8 ft.
I had one jump my Honda and then a fence beyond it at the riding stables when I left on day. It ran down the hill on my left as I came around the bend and it just cleared my car and the fence to my right. Pretty cool! Good thing I was going slow!
Wow I guess she hasn't wanted to jump out of the cement basement/porch its about 5 feet tall and she hasn't tried she looks up there but has never tried.
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