Baby bunny has loose stools?

I have raised rabbits and have a friend that has raised them for 40 years and it sounds like enteritis which has generally been said to have no cause.
Young rabbits should NEVER be given any type of greens until they are 4 months old giving them greens before 4 months could bring on Diarrhea.

Remove the bunny from the guinea pig cage the bunny could have eaten the poo of the pigs and they could carry coccidiosis.
Feed only hay no pellets and clean water and keep him warm until the diarrhea subsides.

By the symptoms i would say he is in the first stages of enteritis as the poo is soft if it turns into a gelatinous or dark watery form then he will most likely die.
Enteritis kills by dehydration and most bunny's only live 24 to 48 hours after the first signs of it.

Sorry to hear this

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