Baby chick chirping nonstop

I couldn't find a thermometer that wasn't huge but I'm pretty confident that they're comfortable heat wise. The other cuddle with her and I saw her eating and drinking again this morning. I think you're right Drumstick Diva, it seems like baby chick colic! She's still chirping nonstop but continues to act normally otherwise.
Update on Taco - SHE IS STILL CHIRPING. It's a mixture of a car alarm and a squeaky door. At one point I thought I would lose my mind but cuddling her in my neck/sweatshirt hood calms her down enough to regain my sanity. She's still eating and drinking and her feathers are coming in nicely so I'm 90% sure she is just a chick who wants to cry and my patience is being tested by this bizarre version of chicken colic. I'll keep updating so anyone who might be experiencing something similar will suffer in solidarity.
I have a baby chick who sounds like a rusty swing when she is tweeting. She also breathes faster than the other 2, but she is eating and drinking well. She's also our cuddebug. Since she sounds so much different than the others, I've been searching for answers also.
I hope you've figured it out. I'm sitting about 15 feet from our brooder, and all 12 chicks are nice and quiet. The only times we've had one that was being loud was when something was wrong ... typically pasty butt.

Definitely get a thermometer. I picked up a $1.98 one in the garden section of our local Lowes hardware store. Make sure there's a big difference between warm and cool sides of the brooder - like 20F different. The chicks will find their ideal spots in-between.
I had one once in a batch if 4 who was chirping nonstop the first day here. She finally fell asleep when she lay down with her head under the little roof of their feeder - she just wanted someone/thing to crawl under. But ahe has been fine wver since.
Taco chirped for 2 days straight before settling now. I literally mean NON STOP. She would breath more heavily and open and close her little beak for a few days after. Now she's as happy and active as her brooder mates. Her chirp is a little rustier (great term) and she kind of sneezes occasionally though
.... It sounds like a tiny car alarm. .....
that's good one!
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I have a baby chick that's constantly creeping loudly and I read that they might do that if they're cold so I set up the heat lamp and it's scared of it what do I do?
How old is it? All little chicks need a heatlamp until they are fully feathered out unless it is really hot where you keep them. Is it just one chick? One chick will not be happy on its own and will peep loudly because it is lonely. If you just have one, you need to keep it with you and warm it with your body heat or set it up in the brooder with a stuffed animal or something to cuddle up to.
It'll get over being scared. Take it and put it in the warm spot so it knows where to go for warmth.

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