baby chick emergency!

The pine, shockingly enough, isn't very fragrant at all. She seems to be drinking and eating less, besides the meal worms we keep treating her to. Since my last post I heated up some VetRx and put a small drop down her throat, I cant say that she liked it very much, or that it helped at all. We are definitely willing to try the vitamins but would a lack of them be affecting her breathing so much?
Thanks for the well wishes!
Directly under the light the temp is between 95-90, away from the light is 90-85, and the shaded part is around 85-80. I set it up that way so they could decide what temp they liked best and because 2 of my other chicks are about a week or two older than the little sick one.
She looks extra pitiful right now so I think I might take her to the vet tomorrow and see what he says. If its something serious I think a culling is in our future. BUT, I'm hopeful.
Just to update y'all, I went to the vet today and he said it sounded like an upper respiratory infection or MG. He gave me an antibiotic, Enrofloxacin 10mg, to give to her twice a day.
Hi, hope everything is getting better. I have similar problem- just posted current video- under chickens4us- 1 week old chick, gasping,etc. Please watch video and compare our chicks. I have mine on two antibiotics and vitamins/electrolytes and put a few drops of the VetRX in drinking water and am using chick starter, medicated and have a 250 watt bulb about 10 inches above part of the container she is in. I did read in one of the online sites that chicks who turn their heads to the side may have a cold.

She was worse last night, but now looks like she did yesterday morning. Your lucky she is eating on her own, I am supplementing with a syringe regarding liquids and mixing in the feed. I am hoping for the best, as I have 6 other chicks she was in with and worry I will have an epidemic.
How did your chick do today? Do you notice any progress that the medicine is working? Just curious, as mine does not seem to be getting that much better yet.
How is your chick doing today? Do you see any progress with the medicine that you were using? I ask because I do not see that much progress with my chick as of yet.

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