Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Got 6 Silver Laced Wyandottes yesterday evening from TSC. :)
They're straight run, so I have no idea what I got. Hope I didn't pick out 6 little Roosters!

Anira, what was the to when you had your chicks outside?? I'd love to take mine on a field trip for just a bit one pretty day! My rabbits cage top looks very similar to what yours are in and I could "borrow" it one day for a little bit!! They look like they are enjoying being outside.
I don't know what temp it was, I don't have a thermometer. But the sun was out and there was only a light breeze here and there, so it was plenty warm enough for them to be out. That was the top of my rabbit cage, but the rabbit upgraded to a horse trough so it was available. They enjoyed themselves quite a bit.

They're back inside now, since I'm out back working on the fence for the chicken pen. I'll be expanding it to add another 24x30 foot area this Spring, if I can salvage some 6 foot fence posts. All of the stuff for my chicken coop and pen I've gotten for free. The advantage of a small town. And they're going to need the extra space when I add the 17 new chicks to the flock once they're old enough.
My babies are 5 weeks old…..and have moved outside to their coop today

Raven (Not sure breed but think its a roo)
Reeses (think its a barnevelder, not sure sex)
Storm (not sure breed/sex)

Luna (not sure breed/sex)

Doodle (not sure breed but think its a roo)

Fluff (We have a marshmellow of the same breed, Leghorn roos?)

Brownie (back/buff orpington not sure sex)
Zena (Buff Brahma Standard ?Pullet?)

Spyro (Golden laced wyandotte Pullet)
Oreo (Barred Rock Pullet)

Cream (Light Brahma Pullet) her sister is Cookie

Sussie (Speckled Sussix Pullet)

Cadbury (Leghorn not sure sex)
Easter (EE and think Pullet)

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