Baby Chick with Leg Injury


In the Brooder
5 Years
Dec 14, 2014
I have a baby chick that is about a month old i just noticed that she was walking funny. I looked at it and i think she dislocated her knee joint. It looks bigger and feels diffrent than her other leg. She can move the leg and foot and dosnt seam to be in a tribe amout of pain. She just limps around with her right leg sideways. What should I do? How do you put back in a dislocated chicks knee without hurting it worse?
Greetings and

Sounds like a slipped achilles tendon, but without seeing it of course I can't be sure.

If it's that, and recent, there's a chance you can fix it, but, it's not often an easy fix. Mostly once it's slipped out of place it will continue to do so. I would think a vet visit, and stitches to hold the tendon in place, might be necessary for a better success ratio.

This site has about all the pertinent layperson-friendly info you can get on poultry leg problems, all in one place.
Good luck.

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