Baby Chicks Tomorrow!

I'm looking forward to ours as well - 2 Welsummers and 2 EEs from MPC.

Do you know if they ship from their location (VT) or from another hatchery?
Proxieme- I called today, and they said they're shipping from Ohio, I think. She said they're coming express mail, and probably shipped today (Monday), so they'll probably be in Arkansas(where I am) at a major post office by tomorrow, and depending how far I am form there may be to me tomorrow afternoon or wednesday. Im in hot springs, ab 2 hours from little rock, so I'm HOPING I get them tomorrow, but doubtful. =/

She said I can call tomorrow and see if they've shipped and have them tracked. :). You could try that!
Megs - They came in!
We're in northern Virginia (to give you an estimate on shipping distance).

They came nicely packed. All seemed happy and healthy.

I had to take the top off of the food and "peck" around in it with my fingers so they could find it. We used corn cob bedding (our Southern States only had small bags of pine shavings left), and they kept trying to eat it.

I'll put the top back on now that they know that's what they're supposed to munch on...
They kept pecking at the Mason jar on the waterer and freaked out when I tried to dip their beaks, so I instead dipped my finger in, let them drink off of that, and led them back over to the water. The the EEs (I'm guessing the lighter chicks) caught on more quickly than the Welsumers.

They kept ambling around, so I put their heater pack and the our (shiny!) plastic thermometer under the heat lamp to lure them over.

The thermometer did it.

Finally, after a busy morning, they conked out.
O M G- I literally squealed out loud! HOW PRECIOUS! They look so lively and healthy. That makes me feel good- I was so concerned about ordering chicks through the mail (and paying that outrageous shipping fee) not knowing if they would make it in safely and healthy. Fortunately, your babies look so wonderful and fluffy! Hopefully mine will too.

Aw, I just love their little fluffy selves- I think I may be in BIG trouble when mine get here. No more house cleaning, cooking dinner, or ironing for me! It will be play time. =)

I called this morning and got my tracking number. Mind didn't ship out until Monday at 4:45PM, so I don't think I will get them today. =(
OK, SO ... per the wonderful lady at MPC, I called my local USPS and gave them my tracking number. He said it should be in Hot Springs on the noon truck, and the delivery deadline for it is TODAY at 3:00!!! So they will be here by 3:00 today, delivered to my house, he said! AAAAAH The anticipation!

Pictures when they get in!
Well,looks like my tomorrow has turned into ... Tomorrow. :( My babies didn't come today, although the USPS tracking says "guaranteed by April 3, at 3:00pm". So the lady said they will come in on a late truck, and to come up there at 8:00am tomorrow to catch them before they're on the mail truck all day. *sigh-*:/

Well,looks like my tomorrow has turned into ... Tomorrow.
My babies didn't come today, although the USPS tracking says "guaranteed by April 3, at 3:00pm". So the lady said they will come in on a late truck, and to come up there at 8:00am tomorrow to catch them before they're on the mail truck all day. *sigh-*

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