Baby Easter Eggers appreciation thread!



Apr 21, 2020
Who doesn’t love baby EE’s? They are little surprise fluff balls! Show us your baby EE(s)! I’ll start with mine, her name is Easter I know very cliche.:rolleyes:

I love her eyeliner! @TheOddOneOut you know who the people wanna see! @Overo Mare do you have any EE’s? @OneHappyRooster I would ask but you and your darn orps!
@OneHappyRooster I would ask but you and your darn orps!

Sadly I am Easter Egger-less.
My coop is sadly devoid of all EEs, big or small. However, I wouldn't complain if you wanted to change the thread title. I was thinking something along the lines of;
Orpingtons; Such Delightful Creatures.

Here are my 12 week old baby EEs. They are all so cute -- gotta love em!

That's Zippy because....she IS! in the second picture she looks like she has no head, but trust me, she does. Got the pouffy cheeks and all. It's a challenge to get her to look at the phone for 5 seconds, let alone to hold still for a picture. She's a "redhead" at heart, doing her own thing.

Then her sister Pepper, who is more laid back and a true lap chicken, loves to be petted and grab some ZZ's on my lap. And hubby's.

Oh and do you want to see their baby pictures? Glad you asked!!! 20200911_114113.jpg 20200911_114119.jpg 20200911_114133.jpg 20200911_114505.jpg 20200911_114140.jpg Pepper-3.jpg Pepper-4.jpg 20200710_164745.jpg 20200710_165709.jpg 20200710_165749.jpg

That's what happens when someone asks for pictures of my girls!!!

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