Baby Gosling Scissor Beak?


Mar 2, 2017
North Alabama
I greatly appreciate any feedback I will receive as I am new to this issue with goslings! And "thanks" to everyone in advance for your help!

I will contact our hatchery as soon as I am finished posting because we received 2 goslings (3 days old) and one has what I believe to be, "scissor beak"! She has a problem with eating her feed but she does fine with the water because she sticks her whole head in the bowl! :)
They are both adorable and female!

I was not able to get a great picture as I am using my phone and she would not hold still long enough for me to get a real clear photo but I hope you will be able to see her off centered top beak and that it is shorter than the bottom part of her beak!!

Will this be a health issue?
Will it get worse as she gets older?
Will the other geese accept her?

Our other 2 geese (6 weeks old) we received from the Hatchery are beautiful and healthy and have grown by leaps and bounds... I only hope the new goslings will do the same.
Here are the pictures! For some reason, they would not load with the above post!
Curious to read some replies. One of our EE chicks has scissor beak. She eats and drinks fine, which almost amazes us with how bad it seems. I'm talking almost pointing complete opposite directions. We were going to cull her when we noticed it if she seemed to be doing bad/not eating or drinking. But since she has been doing fine with that and growing alongside the rest, we just keep an eye on her.
@GreatGranny - she looks A LOT better than our EE does. I was reading up on it some after seeing her beak, and it doesn't seem there's any way to fully fix scissor/cross beak, but some people do file/dremel it some when it isn't too severe, and as long as they're eating/drinking/have good quality of life, a lot of people hold onto them (since we all always get attached!).

I'm sure someone much more experienced than I will chime in also! :)
@GreatGranny - she looks A LOT better than our EE does. I was reading up on it some after seeing her beak, and it doesn't seem there's any way to fully fix scissor/cross beak, but some people do file/dremel it some when it isn't too severe, and as long as they're eating/drinking/have good quality of life, a lot of people hold onto them (since we all always get attached!).

I'm sure someone much more experienced than I will chime in also! :)

I fully intend to keep her! She is so sweet but I am just concerned about her quality of life and how she will fit in with the other three geese. Thanks, Toogoodoo :)
She may need to have a deep bowl for her feed and she can learn to scoop it out.

She's adorable :love
Thank you so much, Miss Lydia :) I am hoping that when it comes time to move them into our outside gosling coop, with the older goslings, they will accept both their new sisters with ease! Amy and Lilly are 6 weeks old and real beauties themselves! All four are American Buff Geese!

This is Amy <3

And this is Lilly <3

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