Baby indoor duck


In the Brooder
Mar 16, 2017
Hi I have a baby Rouen duck it is 4-5 days old I was just wondering if I could ask couple questions what does it mean when I hold the duck and it lays up by my neck all the time? Next the duck nibbles on my shirt and fingers and neck doesn't hurt at all just wondering what that could mean? Last we got the duck at family farm and home was 2 maybe 3 days old max will it still imprint on me and my wife or no and how do you tell he is still young and in a tout haven't let him walk around the house yet waiting for diapers and how much time a day should I spend holding him each day. If anyone can give me their experience and advise
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A single Duckling/Duck is not a great idea ....Ducks are very social and need constant companion ship from another Duck.....The Duckling will need to get out and walk around so it can muscle up its legs....Swimming is great exercise also.....Ducklings are like Puppies they cuddle and noodle...I call them feathered puppies......For now paper towel and disinfecting wipes should be your best friend....Let the Duckling run around a few minutes a couple times a day....

I would never try and have an indoor Duck......They get very stinky, very quickly......;)

Okay thanks for the advice I have been letting him swim everyday it has a stuffed animal to keep it company in the bin it's in too. I have been spending 3-4 hours a day with it holding it walking around the house too
Okay cool thanks
I really think another duckling would be best too. Even better to have a trio. They so hate being without a duck friend(s).
I'm not sure if you know of Bouncer my single Duckling I hatched?.....Anyways, I will tell you his story.....
He was a single hatched Duckling.....For 5 weeks he had to live alone in his tote with his mirror till the other Ducklings hatched in my incubator....It was not easy on him or myself.....Once the others hatched, Bouncer was terrified of them.....The only ducks he knew where my Big Ducks outside, that I kept away from him and his reflection in the mirror......It took a few weeks to convince him that the ducklings would not kill him......Now he is doing great living out in the brooder with his own species....Ducks need other Ducks to live and have quality in their lives......They noodle each other and talk back and forth....If you love your Duck, get another Duckling.....:)


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