Baby Pics - dyed Easter chicks

This is the whole point of the SAVE A CHICK campaign, folks!
How can anyone think it's cute to dye a creature?
It's disgusting, and just plain sad. Even if they are 'unwanted/culled' or a 'short-lived breed', it still doesn't make it OK.
They would be better off dispached humanely from the very start than to be subjected to suffering at the hands of uneducated people who buy them 'cuz they're so cute in their lollypop colors'.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
The cruelty lies in the fact that they are not regarded as living creatures, but a whimsical entertainment, and the majority of the recipients of these animals are ignorant as to the care required for their keep.
Given to young children, they suffer due to mishandling or plain neglect as the novelty wears off.

Just my opinion, but that's OK, I'm entitled to it, just as you are to yours.
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wow! cute chicks. Dyed by injection? thats cold. I had heard they were dyed with food colouring, i assumed it was just brushed or sprayed on their feathers .....

what a horrible horrible business to be in!!! In all fairness i would have picked up a a dozen dyed birds for my kids at $1.25/each out of sheer ignorance. I suspect the vendors use the meat birds because they KNOW what their fate will be in the hands of a kid. chances are the birds wont make it through the night anyway so why does it matter. wouldnt surprise me if they were all roos too... b******s!!!!

They dye fish like this too, its sick,,,

Oh, every year it's back. The chicks aren't the only ones; the poor bunnies are in just as much danger.
Dang is there is a use for that P organization- why don't they freak out over this instead of the Polar Bear Cub

Seriously I can't believe in this day and age companies still do this

Not even Kool-Aid flat out dye
They do this to bunnies too, I mean dye them colors? I would assume they dye broilers 'cause maybe the yellow fluff on a cornish hybrid is easier to dye and maybe the meat chickens are cheaper too.
I hope they don't dye bunnies, but I wouldn't put it past some people!

No, I just meant that baby bunnies are also being sold everywhere around Easter time. A baby bunny, like a baby chick, is not a suitable pet for a small child. Often they don't survive the first couple of weeks either (usually because of being dropped, or because of people's complete ignorance about a bunny's complicated digestive needs). If they do survive, they are often soon relegated to a small hutch in the back yard where they spend one lonely day after another.
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The chicks are injected with dye as soon as they hatch. I read an article about it and it said that the dye is harmless. As soon as they get their real feathers, the dye is completely out of their system.

What's weird is that even their legs are dyed.

They are died while in the shell before they hatch. The chicks themselves are not injected.
Sadly, this is the life of many animals. People just don't seem to consider the adult stage or the life span of that cute little puppy/kitten/bunny/chick/etc. I think it is just a lack of compassion for animals in general that allows parents to think it okay to give their small children animals as gifts with no regard to the animals actual needs. And when said animals get dumped/given away/taken to shelters etc. because they are no longer cute or when they figure out that they actually have to spend some time and money on it, it only teaches children that animals are 'throw-aways' when you are done with them. I wish more children grew up being taught that animals have feelings and little beating hearts that will unselfishly adore you for the rest of it's life for little more than regular food and water and some attention...

Okay. Sorry. I'm off my soapbox.
OMG!! They are sooo cute!
I didn't even know they could do that, I mean it's not humane but they are cute! Question: If they dye the egg, will the chicks come out with regular feathers?

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