Baby turkey can’t stand

Apr 28, 2020
Montgomery County Pennsylvania
I have already tried putting it in a glass with a sock to make the legs go into place, but it keeps escaping. I also tried band aids to make a brace . The legs are kind of going backwards (legs are not held under the chick). The chick had a verry rough hatching. If that has anything to do with it.

I would continue to keep it in a plastic container with a paper towel folded in a square at the bottom to help it grip and push against. Looks freshly hatched so I think it will improve if given a good footing and a bit of extra work.
It keeps getting its legs out


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Riboflavin or B2 found in vitamin B complex tablets or liquid, and in some chick vitamins might be helpful. A 1/4 tablet crushed into a spoonful of water and dropped into the beak a drop at a time is good. Get it on a non-slip surface as well, and make sure that it is close to food and water and able to get enough.
Riboflavin or B2 found in vitamin B complex tablets or liquid, and in some chick vitamins might be helpful. A 1/4 tablet crushed into a spoonful of water and dropped into the beak a drop at a time is good. Get it on a non-slip surface as well, and make sure that it is close to food and water and able to get enough.
It hatched late last night I tried giving it water and food it has no interest yet
Can it reach the bottom? It needs to be so it can touch the bottom and push against it so it can strengthen those feet and legs. Make sure to take it out regularly so it can work at standing on it's own. Poults in general can be a bit wobbly their first few days before they develop better coordination.

You will also need to repeat show it the food and water if it has no others to show it. I use my finger to peck at the food, and put shiny glass rocks to attract them to peck. Hopefully you have a bunch more to keep it company. :)

@R2elk anything I'm missing?

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