Babygirl quacking allllll day everyday!

Is it possible that you can get her a couple of female friends, too? It might alleviate some of the problems with the drake, I think.

As for the eggs, I don't really know if birds think that deeply about what exactly an egg is or what it's for. Some ducks have hormones that tell them that these are something to sit on and protect. But, I don't think Pekins are known for doing that. So, they will most likely not be incubated properly and will go bad, anyway. So, you might as well gather them and eat them.
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That's what I wanted to know, if they're alright to cook or not. Cause I heard once that if a drake And a female don't mate then she lays eggs that I can cook up, but if they do, then she lays duckling eggs.
Very interesting. It would be her first time laying, so I'm excited.

Is it too early for her to lay? She's 4months and 1 week old
I was thinking that too but my boyfriend and i are now engaged and have to start thinking about a small place for ourselves, I think it would be best to just stay with these two or get a girl and give Guy (drake) away. Depending if problems arise.

Ah, I see. Then I shall have eggs for breakfast now!

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