Backyard chicken legalization in plano tx

I think the first step in legalizing chickens is for us to form a group or club of Plano residents who want to have urban chickens legally. I live in 75023, my phone is 972-974-3196. We need to contact each other, find out how many people are interested in changing the ordinances in Plano, and have a meeting. Anyone else looking to change the law in Plano please call me. I'll make a list and arrange a meeting.
I would like to own some chickens too, but it's not allowed. I would like to put my name on that list they were talking about.
Good afternoon,
This is my very first post on BYC and full disclosure, I'm a total newbie with five assorted bantam chicks in my basement.

I wanted to let you know that here in Annapolis, MD we had a hotly contested debate on legalizing chickens a year and a half ago. The pro chicken contingent had to make and agree to many rules and regulations before the city council voted in favor of residents keeping backyard chickens. There is a permission form that all your adjoining neighbors must sign, you're allowed only hens and a maximum of five at that. You must fill out an application and pay a $55.00 fee for your permit. There are minimum coop and run size requirements.

That said, the debate in council chambers went well past midnight, but we prevailed. I think in part by educating the council members and eschewing the council's fears that chicken owners would be irresponsible.

Our application and ordinances are on the BYC website if you're interested. Perhaps the city council in Plano will have a heart and take a closer look at the benefits of raising backyard chickens.

Good luck from this born and bred Texan residing in Maryland. I'd be happy to write a letter of support. This is the local chicken inspector, after approving my coop.
I'm in West Plano and I would love to have a few chicken, maybe 4 or 5. I understand the ordinances currently say no. Change comes slowly, but it does come. The squeaky wheel gets greased.
Well, looks like we will be moving to Plano from McKinney soon as I was all excited as I thought I would be able to keep chickens! We will have 2 separate yards, one side for the dog and the other for the chook (I thought) since in McKinney our HOA would not allow us to keep any hens.
Now I am finding the Plano has a ban on them even though we will not have an HOA! :( So disappointed! Is there any end in sight on this issue, or nothing as yet?
I saw you were trying to get it on the books in front of the City!
I have joined the FB page and if there is anything I can do please let me know! I would just really want to know where my eggs are coming from and that way know what they are fed and that they are cruelty free!
Well, looks like we will be moving to Plano from McKinney soon as I was all excited as I thought I would be able to keep chickens! We will have 2 separate yards, one side for the dog and the other for the chook (I thought) since in McKinney our HOA would not allow us to keep any hens.
Now I am finding the Plano has a ban on them even though we will not have an HOA!
So disappointed! Is there any end in sight on this issue, or nothing as yet?
I saw you were trying to get it on the books in front of the City!
I have joined the FB page and if there is anything I can do please let me know! I would just really want to know where my eggs are coming from and that way know what they are fed and that they are cruelty free!

Hi Rach. Sorry to hear that you will not be able to keep chickens. Have you stopped by our Chicken Laws and How To Change Them section here on BYC? Maybe you can glean some info here and make some changes...

I sure hope you can make a difference and get those laws change. :)

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