Backyard chickens accused of attacking woman at park in San Francisco.

I was eating a turkey. It was about the size of your arm. I took it out of the oven and I took it outside, and I started eating it. And I was eating it. I was doing it right there in front of you.

[MUSIC: John Hodge, "The Little Bird That Couldn't" (from This Is The New Moon)]

I had to come out and sit on the sidewalk, and I was like, "I can't get it down." And a man comes by, and he goes, "Oh, what's wrong?" And I was like, "Oh, I don't know. My finger just hurt." And he goes, "Ah, that's not the way to go."

I was like, "Well, I'm not going to sit on the sidewalk. You need to help me. I can't do it."

And he went, "You don't want to eat
My beagle was attacked by a mama Muscovy. We rescued him and now he loves the pup and the whole family is loving him up! He also has two babies in the house.
The second and final time my beagle was attacked by a mama Muscovy, I took her into the back yard and watched her. I thought she would be afraid of me, but as she got closer, I realized she was really afraid and she kept backing up and walking away and I was afraid she would be able to get me in the back yard or something. I put her on the ground, covered her with my shirt, and said to her, "I love you. Don't ever do this again." It didn't work and we didn't have a good chance to get her away, but she was never a predator to me.
Mama Muscovy: a dog that does not know that she can be dangerous to
Very smart people invented a chicken powered car... They called it, the "Chickla" or "Chicken Box", which was a real thing, a real car, that chickens drive for you.

it looked a lot like the car you drive today. But the problem with cars, back then, was they could not keep up with the gas, the road, the traffic. It was just so hard, but the Chicken Box was all-wheel drive.

It was a real car that could drive on a track... A racing car. The cars would race up to 300 miles an hour... You couldn't keep up with that kind of speed... The Chickens, you had to slow down. It wasn't so much that the car was slow... It was that the road was really bad. And if you hit anything, you would run yourself over.

I remember reading about it all the time. I don't think this is true, because the car, it is driven by a chicken. It was the engine which had been replaced with a chicken on a treadmill. The chicken ran on a treadmill, powering the "Chicken Box". It was a normal car, But the engine was a chicken engine. It was a chicken powered car that was driven by chickens. It was a chicken car
Hundreds of cars stuck on interstate after chicken crossed the road.

#BREAKING: Dozens of vehicles stuck in traffic after chicken crossed I-95 overpass. — WKRN (@wkrn) April 28, 2015

#BREAKING: Several cars stuck in traffic after chicken crosses the interstate. — WKRN (@wkrn) April 28, 2015

One person reported that he was trapped in his car for more than an hour.

My family and I were on the interstate when we heard a loud thump. My dad went to investigate and the thump sounded like a dead bird hitting a car. #birdstopper — Adam W. (@AdamW7)

"But I just don't know whether that's true."

"Well, it's not a matter of whether you believe it or not. It's the fact that they don't believe it."

"Is it true, sir?"

"Oh, you know it is. And so do they."

The old soldier stared at his wife with a sort of horror in his eyes, and said, in a low voice, after a pause:

"Well, there you have it, my dear. That's it. We're right."

And then, in an exultant tone, he said, in an unmistakable tone:

"That's all we've got to go on with."

"Yes," said Mrs. Bannerworth, after a moment, "it is all we've got to go on with."

"Ah, dear, dear!" said Mr. Chilling

The chicken flies out onto the grill and starts flying. This is an extremely popular prank and it is easy to see why. The chicken makes a fool of himself. He looks silly. But you know what? It is fun for the kids to watch. The chicken can be quite distracting if he gets so carried away that he runs over someone. The trick works best if you are a close relative of the person you want to scare. This chicken's mom was a good sport, and let him fly as far as he could. She said it was fun for the kid.

I love chicken flying and this is the best one I have ever seen. This is a simple trick that gets the kids involved quickly. If you can make a fool of your kids, then you can easily make a fool of yourself. The trick is easy and the kid will be entertained for hours. The trick works best if you have the grill set up in a sunny area

Fellow diners,

I want to start this message off with a personal message. I would like to let you know that I have been receiving harassing calls and emails from Chickens, in my area. It has become so overwhelming and it is ruining my family's life.

I have been at my job for 5 years and am at the end of my contract and will not be going forward with any future relationship with Chickens. In my opinion, they are a horrible company that will do anything for money.

They are a huge corporation and they don't care about the community. They will try and bully you and your family for your food choices. Chickens will try and bully you to get you to pay extra for your food and make you feel bad about yourself.

So this message is for all you people that are trying to support this small business.

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