Bad cut and possible molt. Help please!!!

The Buff Orpington in your picture is also being feather pecked/plucked. How many birds are there, and how much space do they have
The Buff Orpington in your picture is also being feather pecked/plucked. How many birds are there, and how much space do they have?
I spend a lot of time with them and I’ve never seen her get pecked… she’s actually one of the bullies. They have 90 square feet and there’s 8 birds but they also have the entire 10,000 sq ft yard most days. They haven’t gotten out much lately because of the snow though. We live in colorado
DE isn't going to do anything to get rid of the mites. Get some livestock powder or sevendust (something with permethrin in it) and give them a good dusting. You're going to have to do the coop to after you get rid of all the bedding
I spoke to our local chicken store owner who has chickens himself and he’s not convinced it’s mites. She’s laying fine, not mood changes, no other birds showing signs…
I spoke to our local chicken store owner who has chickens himself and he’s not convinced it’s mites. She’s laying fine, not mood changes, no other birds showing signs…
You said yourself that she does have mites, they literally drain the life out of them! You don't have to try everything, but try something. Livestock dust is $5 a 4lb bag, isn't it worth a shot to save your lady? Just my opinion, they are your birds and you can do what you want.
You said yourself that she does have mites, they literally drain the life out of them! You don't have to try everything, but try something. Livestock dust is $5 a 4lb bag, isn't it worth a shot to save your lady? Just my opinion, they are your birds and you can do what you want.
Well I’ve never seen mites before so I’m just guessing because I saw black specs on her feather. I talked through her symptoms to the shop owner and it sounds like it’s not mites. But there’s nothing at the base of the feather and the black specs aren’t moving. I thought DE killed mites?
DE is a waste of time and money.

You need permethrin at a minimum to deal with mites. Mites initially go to the weakest birds but will spread.

Comes in both powder and spray concentrate. Given it is winter use powder unless she is inside and warm.
Interesting! Can I get it at Murdoch’s or Tractor Supply? Once I confirm it’s actually mites of course…
Hi everyone!

First thing I’m look for advice on is a wound. One of my australorps had a cut and the other birds were pecking the blood so I put her in the hospital until it dried up and then released her but kept an eye on her. I just got home from a walk and noticed they were pecking her again and she wasn’t even moving (not a good sign). Anyways, I went out there and it’s pretty bad. She’s in the hospital again. Any advice of what to do?

Second, when do chickens molt? My buff rock’s feathers would make you think she is molting but she’s not even a year yet (will be soon though). I also do not have a rooster.

Pictures of both issues included.
Aww poor thing! Definitely keep your Australorp separated until that wound is better healed up, not just dried up/scabbed over. Veteracyn spray to clean it and then antibiotic ointment for prevention of infection.

From the pictures it looks like both of your girls have broken feathers with the soft under-down showing through. We have a bottom pullet who has similar breakage patterns from a bully but not that severe. The bully knows not to do it around us or we will "peck" her back so she does it when we are not around. It could be mites with the black spots and the broken feathers from trying to get to the mites themselves rather than a bully situation.

If it were my girls, I'd follow the permethricin advice ASAP as well as thoroughly checking all the girls out. How long have you been seeing the broken feathers?
Aww poor thing! Definitely keep your Australorp separated until that wound is better healed up, not just dried up/scabbed over. Veteracyn spray to clean it and then antibiotic ointment for prevention of infection.

From the pictures it looks like both of your girls have broken feathers with the soft under-down showing through. We have a bottom pullet who has similar breakage patterns from a bully but not that severe. The bully knows not to do it around us or we will "peck" her back so she does it when we are not around. It could be mites with the black spots and the broken feathers from trying to get to the mites themselves rather than a bully situation.

If it were my girls, I'd follow the permethricin advice ASAP as well as thoroughly checking all the girls out. How long have you been seeing the broken feathers?
She’s still in her crate! I gave her some scrambled egg today to try and cheer her up.

So this might be ignorant of me, but I didn’t know they were broken feathers and I still don’t see any breakage on them. The only time I’ve seen a broken feather was a broken blood feather so maybe I’m just used to that. I thought she was just playing in the dirt bath and “ruffled” some feathers. It wasn’t until I noticed the feathers missing entirely from her neck yesterday that I thought maybe something was wrong. She’s definitely not at the bottom of the flock, she’s #2. Wouldn’t the black specks move around? And they’re only in some spots, it’s not everywhere and it’s not near her neck. Or would there be large clumps anywhere like at the base of the feathers?

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