Bad houseguest :( Lost an entire hatch.

Hahaha... Nice gift!!!!

Kinda like my MIL buying my grandma a scented candle for Christmas. Well, my grandma is on oxygen and any source of open flame could cause her face to burn off... And she's horribly sensitive to fragrances.

So really, a candle???
It's, again, an attempt to do a nice deed that backfired. She thought it was the fake pine scent and I had to inform her it's not fake.

*sigh* The road to he-double-L is paved with what, again?

The tree's going on the deck. We're going to decorate it out there.

The cute little chicken bead ornament I got from someone on BYC is NOT, however, going outside in the snow and cold. It can stay on my tiny little fake tree next to the quail cages.
UGH!! That happened to my mom, for her retirement. She's chemically sensitive to /everything/ and they gave her scented candles and scented bath salts.

Candles and bath salts/bombs are the total ghetto default gifts forever. Unless they're handmade by the person giving them, and some time and thought and effort went into them, they're garbage.

(who makes both candles and bath salts but never gives them as the primary gift unless it's what someone ASKED for!)
*hides* I like bath salts and other bathing things like that for gifts he he!!! Next time someone doesnt like thier bathing gifts send em to me i'll pay for the shippin!
tee he he!!!!

edited to add, i HATE, however, getting lotions and perfumes for gifts...cuz they're normally not good lotion products (im big on lotion butit's gotta really moisturize not smell....), and im not a perfume person.

UGH!! That happened to my mom, for her retirement. She's chemically sensitive to /everything/ and they gave her scented candles and scented bath salts.

Candles and bath salts/bombs are the total ghetto default gifts forever. Unless they're handmade by the person giving them, and some time and thought and effort went into them, they're garbage.

(who makes both candles and bath salts but never gives them as the primary gift unless it's what someone ASKED for!)
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Oh Spooky, I am so very sorry to hear about your babies. They were not just eggs they were babies. That woman is unreal. I would be shipping her off to motel 6 in a heart beat. The winter is bad for me too so i understand. Hoping that maybe a few survive. Wishing you good luck on the hatch for the 27th. Take care. You have every reason to feel upset so here's feeling better wishes coming your way.Wishes wishes wishes for feeling better.
So, we had a chat last night - I was calm and rational and rewarded myself with a cookie
Ground rules are: Don't touch any powerstrips at all, period, ever, lights get turned off at wall switches or not at all. No bringing plants/animals/people into the house without asking me first. No open flames, no smelly chemicals, etc, without letting me know first.

I explained why I was so upset about losing the hatch, and she still doesn't get it but she genuinely felt bad that she upset me so much, so it's something. She also felt bad about the tree, but we set it up nicely outside and have lights on it, so it can be viewed out the windows. We're going to go get a small non-pine tree in a pot to decorate inside.

I got a lot of responses to the silkie ad, so we're going to go either tonight or tomorrow to pick one or two up. (Or, y'know, ten..) I think once there's a bird in the house that wants to be held and cuddled (which is my main requirement for any adult silkie I buy.. must want to be snorgled, because it will be.) she might understand more. But mostly it's for me.

Thanks for all the comments. It really helped yesterday.
I'm having trouble understanding the concept of someone "not getting it" or not understanding why someone would be upset about their hatch all dying.

I mean, yeah, I would get it if the eggs had just been set and were virtually undeveloped, but these were apparently a day or two away from hatch. That means there were fully formed, fuzzy little chicks in there!

Sure, not everyone understands our attachment to our pet chickens, but who is heartless enough to shrug at the idea of a bunch of innocent lives being needlessly lost? If the saw someone step on a baby chick to kill it, wouldn't THAT be upsetting to them?

This is not just in reference to the OP's guest, it just seems like there are a lot of people who don't understand when we get upset at a lost hatch or even the loss of a beloved adult feathered friend. It's just weird to me that they don't get it.

Oh, and as for the OP's situation, you mentioned that you were still frustrated that she didn't seem to understand why you were so upset...I wonder if she would understand better if you opened some of the eggs to show her the babies? Maybe the problem is that when she looks in the bator she just sees eggs and it doesn't click for her that there were babies inside?

Though, I honestly don't know if it's ever possible to make ANY guest (especially family) understand the importance of YOUR stuff (hobbies, pets, possessions) and take care of them accordingly when they visit. ESPECIALLY when they bring over their kids...ugh.

When my parents were in the process of moving down here, my dad's work put them up in a furnished apartment while they were house hunting. They would come over to visit and always bring my then 2 yr old nephew with them to my NON-childproof house. After once again preventing him from destroying my hubby's $$$ telescope, that he saved for years to buy, I asked why they didn't leave him back at the apartment with my sister (his mom). My dad actually said, "Because anything he damages there we will have to pay for."

I couldn't even trust myself to reply to THAT...I guess they figure they wouldn't have to pay for anything he damages at my place? Though to be fair they usually do get around to replacing stuff if it gets damage...only they will go buy the wal mart equivalent that costs a 3rd the price and then totally not understand why you are upset!'s enough to make you want to become a hermit!

Anyway, you get those silkies, as many as you need and I hope the rest of your eggs hatch out all healthy and fuzzy and help you get through the tough winter.
dont be to hard on the houseguest some people just dont under stand and for the babys i know that it is hard back in summer i lost about 200 eggs chickens and pheants because the electric went out i had a betteries backup for 4 hrs my wife put blanket on them and my sons girlfriend was laughing about it tony my son told her she wouldnt be laughing about it i was home the blankets didnt do no good the electric was out for 9 days i had to call my uncle because half of the eggs was his he under stood sorry about the eggs again

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