Bad pic. Can u tell breed??

I've seen Humane Societies misidentify dog breeds (purebred marked as mixes, mixes as pure and incorrect breeds for purebreds), ages (sent home folks with a dog identified as an 10-12 week old puppy that had 8 + month old dentition--try to explain to the owner how their German Shepherd pup is really a corgi cross and is gong to stay that size), and even male cats and a guinea pig misidentified as females. Can't imagine they would trust them with accuracy of chicken breeds...

lol haha ya that is true. i havent seen these birds in person. and the owner of them dnt know much about chicken breeds. soo if he was told they were pure hed believe it haha. ill tell him what they are and that they are a mix
I talked to him in person today. There are two chickens, same color. same look. Do not have tails. They are rumpless. Bottoms of feet are White/grey in color. Legs are Bright Yellow. They are about 4-5 months of age he thinks. Act like hens. No Crowing. Not aggressive. Smallish in size.
I got a dog from the pound that they told me it was a german shepherd as a 6 week old pup. Turned out she never weighed over 35 lbs..

But someone tell me what is the difference in the Ameracana and the Araucana?

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