Banning Kids In Restaurants...

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How that your kids have to smell smoke from the next table? Maybe you haven't been out lately?

Beginning Feb. 1, 2008, smoking is illegal inside bars, restaurants and private clubs, which includes American Legion halls, throughout Maryland. The state banned smoking in most other workplaces in the 1990s.


Yes, I have been out lately, but, thanks for asking so kindly.

I know it's illegal. I didn't say they were smelling the person next to us smoking, I said they smelled like smoke. Smokers smell like smoke.
How that your kids have to smell smoke from the next table? Maybe you haven't been out lately?

Beginning Feb. 1, 2008, smoking is illegal inside bars, restaurants and private clubs, which includes American Legion halls, throughout Maryland. The state banned smoking in most other workplaces in the 1990s.


And non-smokers are quite aware of the lingering smell on some people who use tobacco products heavily.
Please, don't think that the "majority" of people feel this way. It's just that the squeaky wheel gets the grease - or in this case, the attention.

Thank you, Orchid.
I don't think restaurants should ban children from the restaurant (although if they want to, it is their business and no one else's) but I think they should ask the parents to remove the children from the establishment IF they are misbehaving. A more individual approach: dealing with the problem rather than just banning all children.
Truthfully, as for my short experience, I've seen more obnoxious adults in restaurants (such as the loud, chatty New Yorkers who go on and on until you've overheard their whole life story, or the loud twenty-somethings who swear and just will not be quiet) than children.

......Children are adults in training. Like an young animal, they will respond to how they are treated. And they need a few hard rules. If you treat them like they cannot understand, are stupid, and childish, they will act that way. Some parents just do not seem the get that. Kids don't need to be babied, unless they really are babies! They should be disicplined and punished if they repeatedly misbehave.
My $0.02.
Posts like the "skin crawl" and "cringe" etc really make you wonder, when out in public, huh? Any time a thread like this comes out, it never fails that someone posts something that makes you look like a horrible monster for having children. Yes, they are talking about the "bad" ones, but it still comes off as "You Suck!" if you have kids.
My kids are well behaved in public, and on the rare occasion that one decides to act up, or something happens with our special needs son, to make him start to whine, we take them outside of the establishment. I don't want to inflict the annoying whines and cries on anyone else, because yes, they do annoy us too, as parents. Still, some comments that **Always** show up can, and do sound hurtful.
Please, don't think that the "majority" of people feel this way. It's just that the squeaky wheel gets the grease - or in this case, the attention.

I agree this subject is emotionally charged for a reason. I understand how you feel
I just moved to Alabama, so I am not real sure of their laws yet, but I know in Montana, when they ban smoking...all of a sudden they allowed children! This includes at the bars. Now, I respect laws..but REALLY at the bar?

The other day we were at a steak house here in Al and were eating at the bar, there was a 10 year old bellied up to the bar making a lot of noise. I asked the hostess if that was allowed and they replied that they were not drinking and with an adult.

I can't even get peace at the bar
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Here, if the bar serves food, children are allowed until 10 p.m. After that it's no kids. If they don't serve food then no kids period.
Posts like the "skin crawl" and "cringe" etc really make you wonder, when out in public, huh? Any time a thread like this comes out, it never fails that someone posts something that makes you look like a horrible monster for having children. Yes, they are talking about the "bad" ones, but it still comes off as "You Suck!" if you have kids.
My kids are well behaved in public, and on the rare occasion that one decides to act up, or something happens with our special needs son, to make him start to whine, we take them outside of the establishment. I don't want to inflict the annoying whines and cries on anyone else, because yes, they do annoy us too, as parents. Still, some comments that **Always** show up can, and do sound hurtful.

Noone said anything about ALL parents with children should stay home,..noone ever , ever said that. I'm not even sure where you got your information from..

Everyone here is simply speaking of BADLY behaved children...which are ALLOWED to behave badly because of some ignorant, useless parents.
Soo, if your kids behave good in public... then noone is talking about YOU. Dont take it so personally..

Easy Peasy ....
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