Bantam Black EE Hens (previously listed as Ameraucanas)


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 23, 2009
Vienna, Va
EDIT: I have been informed that these are not Ameraucanas, but Easter Eggers. Regardless, I am looking for a new home

Hello everyone, I live in Vienna, VA (outside of DC) and I have a small backyard flock. A month or two ago I got 4 beautiful bantam black ameraucanas and my other hens have not left them alone at all. They have an 8'x8' coop with multiple feeders/waterers and a 16'x30' run attached. I also have other bantams but for some reason my older standard hens chase these ones around and around and around the yard all day long and aren't letting them eat. When I've introduced other birds in the past they would settle down within a few days. So now I'm looking to find them a new home. I would like to trade them for some hens/pullets if anyone is interested. However, its more important to me that they find a good and happy home than I get some new chickens. I am also not interested in shipping

I currently have a black australorp, a standard ameraucana, a red comet, two silkies, and two OEG bantams. I am looking for 2 or 3 hens. I am interested in breeds that I don't already have, particularly polish, spitzhauben, or anyone with a really great hair(feather?)- do.

I have 3 that are black one like in the first picture and 1 that is bluish.



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I agree those are Bantam EEs but they are beautiful beautiful girls. I will let you know if I hear of anyone wanting pet hens nearby. Sorry I can't take them myself. Good Luck

EE's or not, those are some cute girls! I have one exactly like the one in the first picture (I got her from MPC/Meyer). Is that where you got yours as well? Mine just start laying and they are laying **beautiful** eggs. I got them just to have a few smaller layers at our house in town and they were so worth it. One of mine is even laying a pink egg. The egg color of the others (Blue) is better than what I have seen from plenty of Ameraucanas. I hope you find your girls a good home! I would take them in a second if I was near you.
Thanks so much for the information! I got them from a gentleman here locally who was breeding them and they are lovely. I have an olive green egg and some blue eggs, and some pale pink eggs but I don't know who lays which egg.

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