Bantam Chicken--BOTH female and male characteristics...


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 22, 2012
Our Little Farm, KY
We own 35 chickens, and of those 35, 15 of them are Bantys. I am having a really difficult time with one of them, because "it" is an unknown breed, AND an unknown gender. I know exactly what kind all of my others are, but this one (even in maturity) is still a question...I would upload a photo, but my computer will not let me. By what I can describe, "it" is larger than the rest, its legs are thicker and longer, it has the feathers of a rooster (neck and back), but its tail is very wide and short. Its a dark red color with the blackish-green tail feathers and same on the bottom of its wings. It does NOT crow, nor do and of the other roos try to mate with it. It does not have the larger comb like the other roos. It keeps to itself and doesn't run with any of the other chickens. I have done all kinds of research to find out what this is, and I know for a fact it is not rumpless. If it is a "he", it should've been crowing long before now, because we got 14 all at the same time, and they're almost a year old now. If any of you could help just with the given information I would be grateful! Thank you all for reading!

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